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Caprimulgus vociferus

2023-04-17 17:09:00 119

The scientific name Caprimulgus vociferus, the foreign name whippoorwill, due to lack of foot strength, the three-tone nighthawk does not roost in trees. During the day, it either sits on the ground or sprawls on the branches of trees. Sleep in the forest bed during the day or perch along the long axis of the branches, and hunt insects at dusk and dawn.

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Breeds from southeastern Canada to the entire eastern United States, and from the southwestern United States to Mexico, wintering as far south as Costa Rica. In the middle part of its range it is often confused with Carolyn and weak Nighthawks.
Lives in the woods near open land.
It is 25 cm (10 in) long and has mottled wings mixed with brown, pale yellow, black, grey and white. Feather coat light brown with mottling; The male has white neck and tail horns; The female has a monochrome tail and a yellowish neck.