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Eurystomus azureus

2023-04-21 17:32:43 108

The bird's scientific name is Eurystomus azureus, the foreign name is Purple Roller, the specific habits are unknown.cbb6d84443a9822690db16f18082b9014b90eb45_九雷图片转换器.jpg

The emerald blue three-treasure bird likes to eat green scarab and other beetles, but also eats locusts and longoxen, kowtovers, etc. The flight was slow, the long wings moving up and down in an even rhythm. Foraging is often rotated back and forth in the air, the speed is faster, and after catching insects, the original branches return. It can also be found in the east of our country.


The breeding period is from March to May each year, breeding once a year. They do not build nests, but lay their eggs in natural burrows. Nest holes are very tall, and there is usually an unpleasant smell inside. Each clutch lays 3-4 eggs, and the eggs are white and shiny. The chicks after the shell are late adults. Support the body by resting the tarsometatarsal bone completely on the ground. Sit back with your head held high.

Protect wild animals and eliminate wild meat.

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It is distributed from the eastern sea of Mindanao through the Makassar Strait to the east between Bali and Lombok and to the west of Papua New Guinea, including Indonesia's Sulawesi Island, Nusa Tenggara Islands, Southwest Islands, Moluccas, East Timor and other islands.
Often live alone or in pairs in the mountain or plain forest, but also like to open the edge of the forest or the reclaimed land in the forest activities, early and late frequent activities. When the weather is hot, it often roosts on trees in dense forests, or on large treetops in more open places.
Medium size (30 cm) dark-colored Buddhist monk. With a broad red bill (black in subadult birds). The bird has a magnificent undergarment, and its shoulders are bright and slightly blue. The overall color is dark blue-gray, but the throat is bright blue. There is a symmetrical bright blue circular patch in the center of both wings during flight.