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Merops boehmi

2023-04-21 21:14:53 144

The blue-collar Bee-eater is known as Merops boehmi and Boehm's bee-eater。


Listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) ver 3.1:2009 Bird Red List.


Protect wild animals and eliminate wild meat.

Maintaining ecological balance is everyone's responsibility!

It is distributed in central and southern Africa, including the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula and the entire African continent south of the Sahara Desert (Tropic of Cancer). China is only distributed in southwest, central and southern Yunnan. The greenthroated bee tiger is a resident bird. It mainly lives in open areas such as open forest, bamboo forest, savoury slope, etc. It also appears in urban parks and orchards, and often acts alone or in small groups. Most of them fly in the air to hunt. Resting on branches and telephone lines, the range of activities from the plain, low mountains to about 2000 meters in the middle of the mountain.
The details are unknown.