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Merops gularis

2023-04-22 17:24:11 60

Merops gularis Life habits and morphological characteristics

Medium size, slender and curved mouth, apex pointed, rostrum ridge; The foot is thin, the middle toe and the outer toe are at least connected to the second joint of the base, and the inner toe is only connected to the first joint of the base; 10 primary flight feathers; 12 tail feathers; The wings are of moderate length, the legs are short, and some species have streamers on the tail. The feathers are colorful, the sexes are similar, and the young birds resemble adults.

Merops gularis Distribution range and habitat

Found throughout the tropical and temperate regions of the Old World.
It lives in hilly woodland near the village and is arboreal.

Merops gularis Detailed Introduction

The Black Bee-eater is known as Merops gularis or Black bee-eater and eats flying insects, especially bees. Dig tunnels in mountain soil walls for nests; Oval rather round, white.



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