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Megalaima lineata

2023-05-16 08:07:52 57

Megalaima lineata Life habits and morphological characteristics

A slightly larger (29 cm) woodpecker with a light-colored, longitudinal head. The body feathers are green, the head and neck are yellowish brown, and the head and lower body are striped.
Iris - straw-yellow; Mouth - light yellow; Feet - Yellow.

Megalaima lineata Distribution range and habitat

Picoides are found in the western Himalayas to Northeast India, Southeast Asia, Java and Bali.
The subspecies hodgsoni has been recorded in the lowlands of southern and southwestern Yunnan. It is common locally and may also be found in southeastern Tibet.

Megalaima lineata Detailed Introduction

Its scientific name is Megalaima lineata and its foreign name is Lineated Barbet。




Listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List Protection Level: Not Threatened (LC).

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