The brown woodpecker, also known as Sasia annormis or Rufous piculet, has three subspecies.
The brown woodpecker is a resident bird that often moves alone. It often spirals up small tree trunks in small bushes and sometimes, like other sparrows, inhabits small trees and shrubs. Climb along trees to search for food, sometimes also on the ground to search for food. It mainly feeds on ants and various insects, as well as other small animals such as worms.
The breeding period of the brown woodpecker is from April to June. Nest in a tree hole. Each litter lays 3-4 eggs, which are white and oval in shape, with a size of 14-17mm x 12-13mm. Male and female take turns incubating eggs, and chicks mature later.
Listed in the 2012 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ver 3.1- Least Concerned (LC).
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