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Picumnus albosquamatus

2023-07-12 22:06:52 111

Picumnus albosquamatus Life habits and morphological characteristics

The bill is conical, compact and pointed. The tip of the upper bill is slightly wedge-shaped. The nostrils and chin angle are concealed by the extended black whiskers and dense feathers. The eye sockets are feathered. The body feathers are soft, loose and extended. The wings and tail are round. There are 4 toes.

Picumnus albosquamatus Distribution range and habitat

The White-tailed Woodpecker is found in central South America.

Picumnus albosquamatus Detailed Introduction

The scientific name of the White-tailed Woodpecker is Picumnus albosquamatus, and its foreign name is White-wedged piculet. Its specific habits are unknown.




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