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Amazona auropalliata

Amazona auropalliata

Amazona auropalliata,Amazona auropalliata,Yellow-necked Amazon Parrot, Yellow-necked Amazon Parrot

Features:A famous master of learning to speak

The yellow-necked Amazon parrot is a typical climbing bird, with two toes facing forward and two toes facing backward, suitable for grasping. The bird's beak is strong and powerful, and can eat hard-shelled fruits. The feathers are bright and handsome. Most of the feathers are green.It usually m...

Amazona ochrocephala

Amazona ochrocephala

Amazona ochrocephala,Yellow-crowned Amazon,Single hat, small yellow hat, yellow crowned parrot

Features:Yellow crown

Parrots come in many different types, with different shapes and colorful feathers. Their bright feathers and huge hook-like beaks make them particularly eye-catching. These beautiful birds are facing a deteriorating living environment, with a sharp decline in populations. Some species of parrots are...

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Small Budan, Large Sunflower Cockatoo, Large Sunflower Cockatoo, Sunflower Budan

Features:It is characterized by a thick and strong bill, powerful beak, and average language ability.

Like many cockatoos, the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo requires a lot of time as a pet. Its feathers are non-iridescent, mainly white, with a lot of feather powder, and it needs to be bathed regularly. It has a noisy voice and will raise its crest when angry. Its food includes seeds, shells, berries, nut...

Melopsittacus undulatus

Melopsittacus undulatus

Melopsittacus undulatus,Budgerigar、Budgie,Jiao Feng, Cai Feng, Asu Er, Parrot

Features:It has a lively temperament and is easy to tame, and is one of the most popular pet birds in our country.

Budgies are the most common pet birds in the world. They come in many varieties, are playful and cute, and are widely loved by the public. The total number of budgies in the world exceeds 5 million. They are often the first parrots bought by many people who are just interested in parrots. They are a...

Eclectus roratus

Eclectus roratus

Eclectus roratus,Eclectus Parrot,Red-flanked Green Parrot

Features:There is a huge color difference between males and females, the female bird is bright red and the male bird is bright green.

The name of the Eclectic Parrot "Eclectic" comes from the word "Eclectic", which means eclectic, and the male and female birds show completely different feather colors. This parrot is the most obvious species of parrots in terms of appearance. The bright red feathers of the femal...

Psittacus erithacus

Psittacus erithacus

Psittacus erithacus,Grey Parrot,Grey Parrot, Grey Parrot

Features:He has strong speaking ability, is intelligent, has a high IQ, and is famous for his ability to imitate human language.

African Gray ParrotIt is a large parrot, a typical climbing bird, with a pair of toes. The African Grey Parrot has a slender foot with two toes pointing forward and two toes pointing backward, which is suitable for grasping. The bird has a strong beak and can eat hard-shelled fruits. It has a short...

Psittacula krameri

Psittacula krameri

Psittacula krameri,Rose-ringed Parakeet,Rose-ringed parakeet, Ring-necked parakeet, Moon-ringed parakeet

Features:The red-collared green parrot has strong adaptability and vitality and is considered a pest to crops.

Red-collared green parrots are resident birds, often moving in groups, sometimes with gray magpies, starlings, crows, etc. They mainly live in open sparse woodlands at the foot of the mountain, as well as villages, farmlands, and town gardens. They make noisy calls, especially in the morning and eve...

Psittacula himalayana

Psittacula himalayana

Psittacula himalayana,Slaty-headed Parakeet

Features:It resembles a grey-headed parrot and has the habit of vertical migration.

The appearance of the Green-headed Parrot is very similar to that of the Grey-headed Parrot, but it is smaller in size, with a lighter head and a smaller beak. The iris is yellow, the upper jaw of the beak is vermilion, the tip of the beak is yellow, the lower jaw is yellow, and the feet are gray or...

Psittacula himalayana

Psittacula himalayana

Psittacula himalayana,Slaty-headed Parakeet,Gray-headed parrot, Sand monk bird, Gray-headed conure, Dark-headed parrot

Features:The bird's beak is strong and powerful enough to eat hard-shelled fruits.

Gray-headed parrots are typical climbing birds with opposable feet, two toes forward and two toes backward, suitable for grasping. The beak is strong and powerful, and can eat hard-shelled fruits. Inhabits forests, palm groves, open plains, woodlands, agricultural areas, etc. They usually live in pa...

Psittacula roseata

Psittacula roseata

Psittacula roseata,Blossom-headed Parakeet,Rose-headed cockatoo, Purple-headed cockatoo

Features:The head color is different: the male is rose red, and the female is gray-blue.

The flower-headed parrot is a medium-sized bird, a typical climbing bird, with a strong and powerful beak, a hooked beak, a movable joint in the upper jaw, and a wax membrane at the base of the beak. It lives in subtropical and tropical deciduous forests, open woodlands and secondary jungles. It mai...

Derby's Parakeet

Derby's Parakeet

Derby's Parakeet,Parrot, Oriole

Features:The tongue is very developed and can imitate human "speech"

The Great Purple-breasted Parrot is a medium-sized bird. In the wild, it usually moves in groups of dozens. In the breeding season, it will form a group of up to 50. When it gathers, it is very noisy and rarely moves in pairs or alone. It mostly feeds in coniferous forests and can reach an altitude...

Psittacula alexandri

Psittacula alexandri

Psittacula alexandri,Red-breasted Parakeet,Sichuan parrot, big parrot, big purple-breasted parrot

Features:It is the most common parrot in the wild in my country and can imitate human speech after training.

The rose-breasted parrot is a medium-sized bird, a typical climbing bird, with a strong and powerful beak, a hooked beak, a movable joint in the upper jaw, and a wax film at the base of the beak. The muscular tongue is thick. The feet are short, powerful, and zygomatic, with two toes facing forward...

Austen's Brown Hornbill

Austen's Brown Hornbill

Hornbill,Anorrhinus austeni

Features:The female's beak is dark brown, while the male's is yellow.

The white-throated hornbill is a large bird of the family Rhinoceros Bipedidae and the genus Rhinoceros Biped. It is about 88 cm long, with dark gray-brown upper body, light brown lower body, white throat, and white tips on the outer flight feathers and outer tail feathers. The male bird has a small...

Picumnus rufiventris

Picumnus rufiventris

Picumnus rufiventris,Rufous-breasted piculet


The scientific name of the brown breasted woodpecker is Picumnus rufiventris, and the foreign name is Rufous treated piculet. The specific habits are unknown.Listed in the IUCN ver 3.1:2009 Red List of Birds.Protect wild animals and eliminate wild game.Maintaining ecological balance is everyone'...

Eupetomena macroura

Eupetomena macroura

Eupetomena macroura,Swallow-tailed Hummingbird


The Swallow-tailed Hummingbird is Eupetomena macroura and swallow-tailed hummingbird.Protect wild animals and eliminate wild meat.Maintaining ecological balance is everyone's responsibility!...

Apus cooki

Apus cooki

Apus cooki,Cook's Swift,Apus cooki


Indochinese White-rumped Swift (English name: Cook's Swift, scientific name: Apus cooki) is a bird of the genus Apus in the family Apodidae....

Apus salimalii

Apus salimalii

Salim Ali's Swift,Apus salimalii


The Tibetan White-rumped Swift (English name: Salim Ali's Swift, scientific name: Apus salimalii) is a bird of the genus Apus in the family Apodidae....

Hirundapus celebensis

Hirundapus celebensis

Purple Needletail,Hirundapus celebensis,Purple Needletail

Features:With a completely black throat and conspicuous white eyes.

The Purple Needletail (Hirundapus celebensis) is a species of bird in the genus Hirundapus of the family Apodidae. It has a completely black throat and conspicuous white eyes. The Conservation Division of Kenting Reclamation and Management Office in Pingtung County, Taiwan, said that the Taiwan Rapt...