
defensive behavior of fish

2023-03-27 04:27:00 171

In the living environment of fish, there are various physical and chemical factors that affect their survival, and there are different animals and plants. In order to survive and reproduce, fish must not only have the ability to hunt for food, but also evolve many mechanisms to resist adverse physical and chemical factors and damage from other individuals. Almost all defense mechanisms have a behavioral component. The objects of defense are often animals of the same or different species. For example, during courtship, males resist the attacks of other males. The prey resists the attacks of predators; the display of warning colors is used to scare off predators. Defense mechanisms against predators are divided into intrinsic defense mechanisms and secondary defense mechanisms. Intrinsic defense mechanisms refer to behaviors to avoid approaching predators, including hiding, hiding, and displaying warning colors. Secondary defense mechanisms refer to behaviors that allow one to escape after encountering an enemy, including retreat, escape, intimidation, feigning death, and distracting the attacker.

There are many manifestations of defensive behaviors that are the same as offensive behaviors, such as the strong jaws of the anchovy, the long beak of the needlefish, the sharp upper jaw sword of the swordfish, the powerful electric current of the electric ray, etc., but in the way and place of use, It can be the same or it can be different. Fish have more defense methods than attack methods. In addition to the attack methods of fish, they can display warning colors, covert body color, change color, escape, etc., which are purely defensive behaviors, purely to protect themselves.

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