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Animals by Scientific Class Names

The scientific names of animals are named and classified using the binomial nomenclature system of biology. This system is based on a series of hierarchical structures, from the broadest to the most specific, including kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. The following is the general structure of the scientific names of animals:

KingdomAnimaliaHomo sapiens、Canis lupus familiaris
PhylumChordataBalaenoptera musculus、Aves
ClassMammaliaPanthera tigris、whale
OrderPrimatesGorilla gorilla、Macaca mulatta
FamilyHominidaeHomo sapiens、Gorilla
GenusHomoHomo sapiens、Homo neanderthalensis
SpeciesHomo sapiensModern humans only

This classification method helps biologists clearly understand and study the relationship between species, and promotes various biological studies.

Microcebus mamiratra

Microcebus mamiratra

Microcebus mamiratra,Claire's Mouse Lemur


Claire's Mouse Lemur (scientific name: Microcebus mamiratra), foreign name Claire's Mouse Lemur, no subspecies. Specific habits are unknown.Listed in the "Red List of Threatened Species of the World Conservation Union" (IUCN) 2014 ver 3.1 - Critically Endangered (CR).Protect wild a...

Microcebus macarthurii

Microcebus macarthurii

Microcebus macarthurii,MacArthur's Mouse Lemur

Features:The name is in honor of Catherine T. MacArthur, the founder of the MacArthur Foundation

MacArthur's dwarf lemur (scientific name: Microcebus macarthurii), foreign name MacArthur's Mouse Lemur, no subspecies.The MacArthur dwarf lemur is named in honor of Catherine T. MacArthur, founder of the MacArthur Foundation, which funded research that included the discovery of this species...

Microcebus lehilahytsara

Microcebus lehilahytsara

Microcebus lehilahytsara,Goodman's Mouse Lemur

Features:Named in honor of primatologist Steven Michael Goodman

Goodman's Mouse Lemur (scientific name: Microcebus lehilahytsara) is called Goodman's Mouse Lemur in English. There is no subspecies. The species' scientific name "lehilahytsara" is a combination of the Malagasy words "lehilahy" and "tsara", which mean "...

Microcebus jollyae

Microcebus jollyae

Microcebus jollyae,Grey-brown Mouse Lemur

Features:A small white patch on the nose

Jolly's dwarf lemur (scientific name: Microcebus jollyae) is also known as Grey-brown Mouse Lemur. The name of this species is in honor of primatologist Alison Jolly.Populations of the Jolly dwarf lemur are reported to occur in the forests of Mananjari and Kianjavato. The area is located at an a...

Microcebus gerpi

Microcebus gerpi

Microcebus gerpi,Gerp's Mouse Lemur

Features:New species discovered in 2012

Gerp's Mouse Lemur (Microcebus gerpi) is a new species discovered in 2012, and little is known about its behavior, communication methods, ecology or reproductive habits. The species appears to be confined to a small area of lowland evergreen rainforest and is seriously threatened by forest loss....

Microcebus danfossi

Microcebus danfossi

Microcebus danfossi


Microcebus danfossi (Microcebus danfossi) is an arboreal lemur that usually lives in pairs near streams or rivers. It feeds mainly on fruits and insects. It is active at night and spends the day hiding in tree holes. It is found in the mountainous rainforests of Madagascar.Listed in the 2014 Red Lis...

Microcebus bongolavensis

Microcebus bongolavensis

Microcebus bongolavensis,Bongolava Mouse Lemur

Features:A small lemur species endemic to Madagascar

Bongolava dwarf lemur (scientific name: Microcebus bongolavensis) is also known as Bongolava Mouse Lemur in English. Its specific habits are unknown.Listed in the 2014 Red List of Threatened Species of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) ver3.1 - Endangered (EN).Protect wild animals and stop eating...

Microcebus arnholdi

Microcebus arnholdi

Microcebus arnholdi,Arnold's dwarf lemur

Features:Long nose; round eyes

Arnold's dwarf lemur (scientific name: Microcebus arnholdi) lives in trees and groups, usually about 30 pairs living by streams or rivers. It mainly feeds on fruits and insects. It spends the day hiding in tree holes. In the evening, even if it wakes up, it will wait until sunset to scurry aroun...

Apus pacificus

Apus pacificus

Apus pacificus,Fork-tailed Swift

Features:The waist is white with fine dark brown feather shaft patterns.

White-rumped swifts are summer migratory birds. They migrate here in spring from April to May. They migrate away in autumn from September to October. Some of them stay in Hong Kong and Taiwan.White-rumped swifts like to fly in groups, often flying back and forth in groups over their habitats. In the...

Cheirogaleus minusculus

Cheirogaleus minusculus

Cheirogaleus minusculus,Lesser gray mouse lemur

Features:The second toe has a grooved and curved claw

The small iron-gray mouse lemur (scientific name: Cheirogaleus minusculus) is active during the day or at night, eating insects, fruits, reeds, leaves, and occasionally birds. It lives alone or in family groups. It hibernates. The gestation period is 120-150 days, and it gives birth from September t...

Perodicticus potto

Perodicticus potto

Perodicticus potto,West African Potto、Western Potto

Features:Has large eyes and small, hairless, round ears

West African Potto (scientific name: Perodicticus potto) is also known as West African Potto and Western Potto. The 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species classifies all potto monkeys as one species, Perodicticus potto, which includes three subspecies. However, morphological and genetic data, name...

Perodicticus ibeanus

Perodicticus ibeanus

Perodicticus ibeanus,East African Potto, Eastern Potto

Features:The body emits a pungent smell similar to curry, which is used to mark the territory

East African Potto (scientific name: Perodicticus ibeanus) is called East African Potto and Eastern Potto in foreign languages. There are two subspecies.East African Potto is a nocturnal animal, coming out at night and hiding during the day. It lives in trees. They walk slowly and carefully in trees...

Perodicticus edwardsi

Perodicticus edwardsi

Perodicticus edwardsi,Milne-Edwards's Potto、 Central Potto

Features:Night vision is strong, and the germs carried in saliva

Central African Potto (scientific name: Perodicticus edwardsi), also known as Milne-Edwards's Potto and Central Potto in foreign languages, is a nocturnal animal that sleeps in the leaves during the day. It lives in trees and rarely moves on the ground. It is secretive, slow-moving, usually soli...

Loris tardigradus

Loris tardigradus

Loris tardigradus,Red Slender Loris、 Slender Loris、 Sri Lanka Slender Loris、 Sri Lanka Wet zone Slender Loris

Features:Dark fur with a white stripe from forehead to nose

The red loris (scientific name Loris tardigradus), whose foreign names are Red Slender Loris, Slender Loris, Sri Lanka Slender Loris, Sri Lanka Wet zone Slender Loris, was formerly included in the "grey loris" (Loris lydekkerianus) and was promoted to fully independent in 2001 species stat...

Loris lydekkerianus

Loris lydekkerianus

Loris lydekkerianus,Gray Slender Loris、 Grey Slender Loris、 Highland Slender Loris

Features:The index fingers on the hands and feet are shorter than the other fingers

Gray Slender Loris (scientific name: Loris lydekkerianus) has five subspecies. Gray Slender Loris was once classified as a subspecies of Loris tardigradus, "Loris tardigradus lydekkerianus". In 2001, this classification was updated based on behavioral, geographical and morphological data....

Arctocebus aureus

Arctocebus aureus

Arctocebus aureus


The scientific name of the small golden bear monkey is Arctocebus aureus. It lives alone, is active during the day, and lives in trees. They move very slowly. They mainly eat insects and occasionally eat fruits. The gestation period is 130 days, and one cub is born per litter. The cub is mainly held...

Arctocebus calabarensi

Arctocebus calabarensi

Arctocebus calabarensis,a kind of lemur

Features:Almost no tail

The scientific name of the golden bear monkey is Arctocebus calabarensis, and its foreign name is a kind of lemur. It is a member of the primate family Sloris.The golden bear monkey lives alone, is active during the day, and lives in trees. It mainly feeds on insects and occasionally eats fruits. Th...

Nycticebus menagensis

Nycticebus menagensis

Nycticebus menagensis,Philippine Slow Loris

Features:It is the smallest species of loris

Philippine Slow Loris (Nycticebus menagensis) is a primate of the order Prosimian, a slow loris native to the northern and eastern coastal areas of Borneo Island and the Sulu Islands of the Philippines. The animal was first named Bornean slow loris in 1892, but was included in the widely distributed...

Nycticebus kayan

Nycticebus kayan

Nycticebus kayan,Kayan Slow Loris

Features:Has special "eye bags"

Kayan Slow Loris (Scientific name: Nycticebus kayan) is named after the Kayan River that flows through its territory. It was discovered on the island of Borneo in 2012, when it was classified as a subspecies of the "Philippine Slow Loris" (Nycticebus menagensis), but according to research...

Nycticebus hilleri

Nycticebus hilleri

Nycticebus hilleri,Sumatran Slow Loris

Features:Arm secretions contain chemicals linked to cat allergies

Sumatran Slow Loris (scientific name: Nycticebus hilleri) foreign name Sumatran Slow Loris, no subspecies.Sumatran Slow Loris is an omnivore, eating small animals, fruits, gums and other plants.Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2016 ver 3.1 - Endangered (EN).Protect wild animals a...

Nycticebus javanicus

Nycticebus javanicus

Nycticebus javanicus,Javan Slow Loris

Features:There is a distinct stripe covering the top of the head and branching towards the eyes and ears

Javan Slow Loris (scientific name: Nycticebus javanicus) is also known as Javan Slow Loris. It has two subspecies.The Javan slow loris is nocturnal and arboreal, rarely going to the ground. It spends its activities, foraging, mating, reproduction and hibernation in trees. During the day, it curls up...