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Heliogomphus retroflexus

Heliogomphus retroflexus

Sharp-edged dragonfly, curved-tailed spring dragonfly,Heliogomphus retroflexus

Features:It is an important natural enemy insect that is beneficial to humans and an indicator insect of water quality and environment.

Heliogomphus retroflexus (scientific name: Heliogomphus retroflexus) is an insect of the family Heliogomphidae and the genus Heliogomphus, with no subspecies. This species was first published by Swiss entomologist Friedrich Rees in 1912.Heliogomphus retroflexus is usually active in the daytime near...

Atlatsjapyx atlas

Atlatsjapyx atlas

Atlatsjapyx atlas

Features:The adult is long and thick, lacking eyes and wings, with a yellow, trapezoidal head that is narrow in front and wide in the back.

The Atlatsjapyx atlas is a large insect of the order Diplodocus. It feeds on humus, fungi and tiny animals.Listed in the second level of China's "National Key Protected Wildlife List".Protect wild animals and stop eating game.Maintaining ecological balance is everyone's responsibil...



Paguroidea,hermit crabs,Hermit shrimp, white house, dry house

Features:Hermit crabs often eat shells and other mollusks and take the shells for themselves, which is the origin of the name of hermit crabs.

Hermit crab is a general term for the superfamily Hermit crabs and the superfamily Hermit crabs of the order Decapoda. Common hermit crabs can be divided into three categories: the family of living hermit crabs, the family of hermit crabs and the family of terrestrial hermit crabs. There are more th...

Macrobranchium nipponense

Macrobranchium nipponense

Macrobranchium nipponense,Macrobrachium nipponense


River shrimps are widely distributed in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and ponds in my country. They are high-quality freshwater shrimps. They have tender meat, delicious taste and rich nutrition. They are high-protein and low-fat aquatic foods and are quite popular among consumers.Nutritional value of r...

Procambarus clarkii

Procambarus clarkii

Procambarus clarkii,Red Swamp Crayfish或Louisiana crayfish,Cambarus clarkii,Red crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, freshwater crayfish, red swamp crayfish

Features:Male lobsters have a bright red membrane on the front outer edge, which is very conspicuous. Females do not have this red membrane, so this has become an important feature to distinguish between males and females.

Crayfish is a freshwater economic shrimp that usually carries lung flukes and is widely popular because of its delicious meat. It has an absolute competitive advantage in the local ecological environment due to its omnivorous nature, fast growth rate, and strong adaptability. Its food range includes...



Palinuridae;lobster, prawns, dragon head prawns, shrimps, sea prawns

Features:The body size is the largest among shrimps, and the heaviest can reach more than 5 kilograms, and is called a tiger lobster.

Lobster (scientific name: Palinuridae) is the general name for species in the family Hominididae, class Arthropoda, order Decapoda, class Arthropoda. The Homaridae family includes 11 genera: Panulirus, Jasus, Justitia, Linuparus, Nupalirus, Palinurellus, Palinurus, Palinustus, Projasus, Puerulus, Sa...

Maja japonica

Maja japonica

Japanese spider crab, giant crab, giant spider crab, Gan's giant crab, Gan's giant crab, tall crab

Features:The world's largest crustacean looks a lot like a giant venomous spider

The Japanese spider crab is the largest crab in the world, and also the largest crustacean and arthropod in the world. It is a strange creature living in the southeastern coastal waters of Japan, and is also the prototype of the so-called "killer crab" in domestic rumors. This largest know...

Grylloblattella cheni

Grylloblattella cheni

Grylloblattella cheni


Chen's western cockroach has an ancient origin, which can be traced back to the Upper Lime Period about 300 million years ago. It can be called a "living fossil" of the class Insecta. As an extremely rare insect that ordinary people rarely see, there are only a few museums in the world...