The fossil origin and body characteristics of Giganotosaurus

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Giganotosaurus

Giganotosaurus is a giant theropod dinosaur. Initially, paleontologist Corea spe···

Fossil origin and body characteristics of Sinoraptor

Fossil origin and body characteristics of Sinoraptor

In 1824, the British paleontologist Buckland discovered the carnivorous Megalodo···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Spinosaurus

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Spinosaurus

Spinosaurus is a giant carnivorous dinosaur that lived in Africa during the Late···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Baryonyx

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Baryonyx

In 1983, while searching for fossils in Surrey, southeast England, fossil hunter···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Megalodon

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Megalodon

Megalodon is the earliest dinosaur discovered, but it lived in the Jurassic peri···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Carnotaurus

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Carnotaurus

Audiences who have watched the Disney animated blockbuster "Dinosaurs" must stil···

Fossil origin and body characteristics of Sinosauropteryx

Fossil origin and body characteristics of Sinosauropteryx

Sinosaurus lived in the Early Cretaceous about 140 million years ago. When its f···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Dilophosaurus

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Dilophosaurus

In 1942, a larger theropod dinosaur was discovered in the Early Jurassic strata ···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Eoraptor

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Eoraptor

Among the many dinosaurs discovered so far, Eoraptor is the most primitive one. ···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Tyrannosaurus rex

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Tyrannosaurus rex

Tyrannosaurus Rex, also known as Tyrannosaurus rex, is the largest land carnivor···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Nodosaurus

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Nodosaurus

Nodosaurus lived in the Late Cretaceous and was named by the famous paleontologi···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Tuojiangosaurus

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Tuojiangosaurus

Tuojiangosaurus is a medium-sized stegosaurus that lived in the Sichuan Basin in···

Fossil origin and body shape characteristics of Huayangosaurus

Fossil origin and body shape characteristics of Huayangosaurus

Huayangosaurus is the earliest complete Stegosaurus skeleton discovered in the w···

Fossil origin and body characteristics of Chaoyangosaurus

Fossil origin and body characteristics of Chaoyangosaurus

Liaoxi Chaoyangosaurus is a small dinosaur discovered in Chaoyang County, Liaoni···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Psittacosaurus

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Psittacosaurus

Psittacosaurus is 1.8 meters long and about 1 meter high. It is a very cute smal···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Styracosaurus

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Styracosaurus

Styracosaurus is also a large horned dragon. The significant difference between ···

Triceratops fossil origin and body characteristics

Triceratops fossil origin and body characteristics

Triceratops is a very numerous and famous herbivorous dinosaur in the late Creta···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Qingdaoosaurus

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Qingdaoosaurus

Members of the hadrosaur family are known for their gentleness, elegance, and be···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Hadrosaurus

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Hadrosaurus

Since Reddy named the duck-billed dinosaur in 1858, this latest dinosaur quickly···

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Iguanodon

The fossil origin and body characteristics of Iguanodon
