
The origin and evolutionary history of giraffes

2023-01-05 15:51:23 332

Giraffes are ruminant hoofed animals and the tallest land animals in the world. Giraffes originate from most of sub-Saharan Africa. An ancient African legend says that God only thought of creating the giraffe after creating various animals, so he used some "leftovers" - leopard skin, antelope speed, camel heads and legs to piece together the giraffe. The ancient Greeks believed that the giraffe was a "hybrid" of a camel and a leopard, so they called it a "camel leopard".

In ancient evolutionary times, giraffes were only the size of a deer. At that time, they were active in most parts of Europe, Asia and Africa, and they lasted like this for 25 million years. By the time they evolved into the giraffes they are today, they had been crowded into Africa.

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