
The Difference Between Savannah Cats and Serval Cats

2023-11-04 19:44:48 187

Savannah Cat (Savannah Cat) and Serval Cat (Caracal) are two different cats. They have the following differences:

1. Species classification: The Savannah cat is a cat breed that is a cross between a domestic cat and an African ocelot (Serval), while the serval is a wild cat and belongs to the lynx subfamily.


2. Appearance: Savannah cats are generally larger than ordinary domestic cats, larger and more muscular. Their coats may come in many different patterns and color combinations, similar to the appearance of the African ocelot. The serval is a medium-sized cat, about 70-90 cm in length, with short, dense tawny hair and long, pointed ears. Serval cats have unique black ear tips and a short, backward-curved black tail.

3. Personality and behavior: Savannah cats usually have a lively, curious, friendly and affectionate personality, which is partly derived from the characteristics of the African ocelot. Serval cats are wild animals, relatively independent and shy by nature, and remain cautious and alert to humans.

4. Laws and Regulations: Because the Savannah Cat is a cross between a domestic cat and an African ocelot, there may be restrictions or legal regulations for private breeding, which vary by region and country. Serval cats are wild animals. According to national and regional laws, private breeding often requires special permits and restrictions.

It should be noted that raising Savannah cats and serval cats requires special environments and professional knowledge and experience. For the average family, it may be more feasible to keep a Savannah cat, but you need to ensure that it comes from legal sources and receives appropriate care and environment. For wild animals like serval cats, breeding requires compliance with special laws and approval and permission from relevant agencies. Before considering keeping any special breed or wild animal, always conduct adequate research and consultation to ensure you can provide the appropriate conditions and care.

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