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Birds of prey are one of the six ecological groups of birds, covering all species of the orders Falconiformes and Owls in the traditional classification system of birds. Birds of prey include eagles, eagles, buzzards, kites, vultures, harriers, ospreys, falcons, owls, owls and other secondary ecological groups, all of which are predatory birds. In the ecosystem, the number of individual raptors is smaller than that of other groups, but they are at the top of the food chain and play a very import

Harpy Eagle

Harpy Eagle

Raptor NT

When you think of powerful, majestic creatures of the sky, the harpy eagle c···

Phaethon rubricauda

Phaethon rubricauda

Phaethon rubricauda,Red-tailed Tropicbird

Raptor LC

The Red-tailed Pi ... A dark brown comma-shaped stripe extends from behind t···

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle,Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Raptor LC

Bald eagles mainly live near coasts, lakes and rivers. They feed on large fi···

Falco peregrinus

Falco peregrinus

Falco peregrinus,Peregrine Falcon,Rosewood eagle, pigeon tiger, duck tiger, blue swallow

Raptor LC

Peregrine falcon is called Peregrine Falcon in foreign language, and it has ···

Phodilus badius

Phodilus badius

Phodilus badius,Oriental Bay-owl

Raptor LC

Oriental Bay-owl, also known as Oriental Bay-owl, has a heart-shaped face an···

Tyto longimembris

Tyto longimembris

Tyto longimembris,Eastern Grass-owl, Monkey-faced owl, Monkey eagle, White-breasted grass owl

Raptor LC

The Eastern Grass-owl is a medium-sized bird of prey with 6 subspecies.The G···

Tyto alba

Tyto alba

Tyto alba,Barn Owl,Monkey-faced eagle, Monkey-headed eagle

Raptor LC

Barn Owl is a medium-sized bird with 32 subspecies.The barn owl often moves ···

Asio flammeus

Asio flammeus

Asio flammeus,Short-eared Owl,Night owl, owl, field cat king, short-eared owl, small-eared wood rabbit

Raptor LC

Short-eared Owl, also known as Short-eared Owl in English, has 10 subspecies···

Asio otus

Asio otus

Asio otus,Long-eared Owl,Northern Long-eared Owl,Strix otus Linnaeus, 1758,Long-eared wooden rabbit, with headset Elvis, tiger eagle, Biaomu rabbit, night owl, owl

Raptor LC

The long-eared owl is called Long-eared Owl in foreign language, and there a···

Ninox japonica

Ninox japonica

Ninox japonica,Northern Boobook,Northern Hawk Owl

Raptor LC

The Japanese hawk owl, also known as the Northern Boobook, is a medium-sized···

Ninox scutulata

Ninox scutulata

Ninox scutulata,Brown Hawk-owl,Brown Hawk-Owl

Raptor LC

The Brown Hawk-owl is a medium-sized bird of prey with 11 subspecies.Hawk-ow···

Aegolius funereus

Aegolius funereus

Aegolius funereus,Tengmalm's owl,Little Owl

Raptor LC

The foreign name of the ghost owl is Tengmalm's owl, and there are 6 sub···

Athene brama

Athene brama

Athene brama,Spotted Owlet

Raptor LC

Spotted Owlet, also known as Spotted Owlet, has 5 subspecies.Spotted Owlet o···

Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769)

Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769)

Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769),little owl,Little Owl, Owl, Owl, Owl Owl

Raptor LC

The Little Owl with Vertical Stripes is called Little Owl in English. There ···

Glaucidium cuculoides

Glaucidium cuculoides

Glaucidium cuculoides,Asian Barred Owlet,Little Owl, King Cat Bird, Fox Training, Wandering

Raptor LC

Asian Barred Owlet is a small owl with 8 subspecies.Asian Barred Owlet is a ···

Glaucidium brodiei

Glaucidium brodiei

Glaucidium brodiei,Collared Owlet,Little Owl

Raptor LC

Collared Owlet, also known as Collared Owlet, has 4 subspecies.Collared Owle···

Glaucidium passerinum

Glaucidium passerinum

Glaucidium passerinum, Eurasian Pygmy Owl

Raptor LC

The Eurasian Pygmy Owl is a small bird with two subspecies.The Eurasian Pygm···

Surnia ulula

Surnia ulula

Surnia ulula,Northernhawkowl,Dogchin-Ugel, Eagle Owl, Owl

Raptor LC

The Northern hawk owl is a medium-sized bird with three subspecies.The North···

Strix nebulosa

Strix nebulosa

Strix nebulosa,Great Grey Owl

Raptor LC

Great Grey Owl is a large owl with two subspecies.Except during the breeding···

Strix davidi

Strix davidi

Strix davidi,Sichuan wood owl,Hum, cat-bird, owl

Raptor LC

Sichuan wood owl, also known as Sichuan wood owl in English, is a large gray···

Strix uralensis

Strix uralensis

Strix uralensis,Brown Wood-owl

Raptor LC

Brown Wood-owl, also known as Brown Wood-owl, is a medium-to-large nocturnal···