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What do hedgehogs eat? ——A comprehensive analysis of hedgehogs' eating habits

2025-03-07 15:45:29 8

Hedgehogs are cute little mammals that are loved by people for their unique appearance of being covered with thorns and their way of self-protection by rolling into a ball. They mainly live in forests, grasslands, farmlands and other environments, and some people keep hedgehogs as pets. However, many people are curious about the eating habits of hedgehogs: What do hedgehogs eat? Are they carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores?


In fact, hedgehogs are typical omnivores, and their food includes insects, small invertebrates, fruits, vegetables, etc. This article will explore in depth the types of food that hedgehogs eat in the wild and in captivity, and provide suggestions for scientific feeding of hedgehogs.

1. Hedgehog's dietary characteristics

1.1 Hedgehogs are omnivores

Hedgehogs have a wide range of food, eating both animal food (such as insects and snails) and plant food (such as fruits and seeds).

  • In the wild, hedgehogs prefer to eat protein-rich insects and small animals.

  • In captivity, a variety of foods can be provided, including commercial feeds, vegetables and fruits.

1.2 Nocturnal Predator

  • Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals, resting most of the day and coming out to forage at night.

  • They mainly rely on smell and hearing to find food, rather than vision.

  • Hedgehogs like to dig into the grass and turn over fallen leaves to find insects and small animals on the ground or underground.

2. What do hedgehogs eat in the wild?

In the natural environment, hedgehogs have a rich diet, mainly insects and small invertebrates, and also consume some plant food.

2.1 Insects and small invertebrates (staple food)

Hedgehogs like to prey on various insects and invertebrates, which are the main source of protein for hedgehogs.

  • Beetles (such as click beetles and carabids)

  • Ants, earthworms, snails, worms

  • Locusts, crickets, grasshoppers

  • Spiders, centipedes

These insects are rich in protein and nutrients, which help hedgehogs maintain health and energy.

2.2 Small Vertebrates (Supplementary Food)

Although the main food of hedgehogs is insects, when food is scarce, they will also prey on some small vertebrates, such as:

  • Small lizards

  • Baby mice (occasionally)

  • Bird eggs (may be stolen after discovery)

animal tags: hedgehog