Honey badger (scientific name: Mellivora capensis) English Honey Badger, Ratel, French Blaireau à miel, Ratel, German Honigdachs, there are 12 subspecies.In the southern region of the Kalahari Basin, adult male honey badgers have an average home range of 541 square kilometers, while adult female ho...
The Sunda stink badger (Mydaus javanensis), also known as the Indonesian stink badger, lives on the islands of Borneo, Java, and Sumatra. It is a carnivore.The Sunda stink badger is an animal that humans should avoid: like its close relative the skunk, the Sunda stink badger will spray a foul-smelli...
Hog Badger (scientific name: Arctonyx collaris) is also known as Hog-Badger in English. There are 6 subspecies.Hog Badger likes to live in caves, digging caves in barren hills, roadsides, ridges, etc., and also invading the caves of other animals. The structure of the cave is relatively simple, with...
Badger (scientific name: Meles meles) is also known as Eurasian Badger. It is a large-bodied species in the Mustelidae family and has 14 subspecies.Badgers are most active in spring and autumn, usually starting at 8-9 pm and returning to their dens around 4 am. When leaving the cave, it slowly tries...