
The top ten evil animals in rural areas, the top ten evil animals spread among Chinese people

2023-05-27 05:24:22 97

In traditional Chinese culture, some animals are considered ferocious beasts and are believed to bite and cause harm, and may also bring bad luck and disaster. Therefore, people usually avoid contact with it and even regard it as an ominous thing. This article has screened out the top ten evil animals that are generally considered by the people, including owls, black cats, snakes, weasels, crows, bats, centipedes, foxes, hedgehogs, etc. Let’s take a look at the scariest places about these evil animals in rural areas! The list of the top ten evil animals mainly counts a group of evil animals with the highest recognition among the people. At the same time, it is recommended based on widely circulated folk sayings, as well as Feng Shui, legends and other related information, and comprehensively refers to relevant Internet rankings. Science is the only criterion for testing truth. The list is for reading only. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment/communicate at the end.

1. Owl


One of the top five evil animals in rural areas. The owl is known as an ominous bird because of its strange appearance and shrill cry. Owls mostly live in the mountains and rarely fly to places where people live. Therefore, there are legends in rural areas that if an owl lands in your yard in the middle of the night, or if you hear its hoot, disaster is imminent. Regarding the hooting of owls, there is a saying that has been circulating in rural areas: If you are not afraid of night owls hooting, you are afraid of night owls laughing. This means that if you hear the hooting of night owls, something bad will happen.

2. Black cat


Whether in rural China or Western countries, black cats have been considered evil folk animals for hundreds of years. There is an old saying in rural China that goes like this: "It will be bad luck for three days if you meet a black cat." Meeting a black cat is equivalent to encountering bad luck and destroying the feng shui pattern of your home. In the West, cats symbolize mystery because they are agile and flexible, and black represents evil, so black cats are a combination of evil and mystery. There are even legends that black cats are the pets of witches. Whenever it is dark, The witch will ride on the black cat and run.

3. Snake


Snakes are known as "little dragons" in rural areas, and many mythical characters are related to snakes, all with human heads and snake bodies. According to rural legends, snakes can be cultivated into spirits and transformed into human forms with graceful postures. For example, Nuwa has the head of a human and the body of a snake. Therefore, snakes are one of the more mysterious among the top ten evil animals in people's minds and should not be messed with casually. In addition, there is a folk saying: If there is a snake in your home, it means that someone in your family has a soul that has left the body. This statement means that the soul and consciousness are floating outside the body, and being separated from the body is a state of near death.

4. Weasel


The weasel is also called Huangpizi in the countryside. The old people say that it can confuse people's minds and see through people's hearts. After becoming a spirit, it likes to contact people and be worshiped by people. Sometimes it will help people, but it has a strong desire for revenge. If If someone bullies it, it will definitely retaliate. Some people also say that some weasels that are about to cultivate into human form will bow to people when they see people. At this time, if you say the word "like" to it, it will no longer need to cultivate, but if you say nothing or scold it, it will never be able to cultivate. , and will also take revenge on you.

5. Crow


One of the five evil animals. People often say "crow's mouth", and it's not without reason. There is a saying in the countryside that crows are messengers sent to the human world by the king of hell. This statement is really true. I remember when I was a kid, if there were crows cawing in the mountains opposite the village for several days in a row, people would definitely die in the village soon after. When the old people in the village heard the crows, they often shook their heads and sighed, saying that people were about to die. But the strange thing is that if there is a magpie chirping one day, a baby will be born within a few days.

6. Bat


Bats are nocturnal animals and because of their ugly appearance, most farmers regard them as a symbol of darkness. In fact, bats are not only considered unlucky in Feng Shui in rural areas and cannot be entered into the home, they are also carriers of viruses and germs. According to the editor's understanding, experts have currently isolated more than 80 viruses in bats, some of which are sources of zoonotic diseases, including rabies, plague or other viral diseases. Some studies have shown that bats are also likely to be the natural hosts of SARS.

7. Centipede


A blue-breasted Buddhist monk holds a centipede in his mouth

The centipede, one of the top ten evil animals, is also known as one of the five poisons. It is one of the materials used in witchcraft to lower the head. Put it together with poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders and other things, let them bite each other, and eventually they all die. Light, and then the residue is made into powder to form a poisonous poison. According to the old people in the village, this poison can cause people to suffer from mental disorder. In addition, from a Feng Shui perspective, if there are centipedes in the home, the yin will be strong and the yang will be weak, disrupting the "aura" of the home, which can easily lead to a decline in interpersonal relationships, frequent quarrels with others, and in serious cases, unstable marital status.

8. Fox


We often hear that "fox, spirit" is actually people's understanding of foxes. In folklore, after the fox becomes a spirit and takes on human form, both male and female are extremely beautiful and good at seducing and charming the opposite sex to achieve their own goals. Regarding this evil rural animal that is causing harm to the human world, the elders and aunties in the countryside generally believe that foxes have great magical power. Through practice, guidance from experts, or absorbing the essence or popularity of the sun and moon, they can transform into human form and eventually achieve immortality. , almost immortal.

9. Hedgehog


Hedgehogs are also an unpopular folk animal and should not be kept as pets. According to the thinking of the older generation, it is very unlucky to keep thorny animals at home, because there is a saying that hedgehogs are one of the five gods, and gods cannot be kept at home. If you accidentally let the hedgehog die, there may be a greater disaster in your home. This idea that hedgehogs are a bad omen has continued to this day due to the mutual spread among the older generations, and it is one of the ten most evil animals in rural areas.

10. Rooster


There is a rooster in the list of evil animals in rural areas, which may make many people confused. In fact, during ancient wars, roosters would be disturbed by sounds and fires and crow loudly at night. Therefore, the ancients regarded "roosters crowing at night" as a bad omen of war, so roosters were used in the middle of the night. Crowing is considered an unlucky phenomenon by the elderly and will bring bad luck to the family. Nowadays, whenever the old people in rural areas encounter this kind of situation, they will often kill the rooster directly to get rid of the bad omen, so that the farmers will feel at ease and stable, and bad things will not find their homes.

Of course, these rumors lack scientific basis and evidence support, so we should treat them rationally and not blindly follow them, but use scientific methods to understand and understand animals. The list is for entertainment purposes only.

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