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Wading birds

Wading birds are one of the six major ecological groups of birds, including Craniformes, Storks, Flamingos and Ploveriformes. They refer to those birds that are adapted to living near water (all are wetland waterbirds). They are birds One of the six major ecological groups. They often stand on one foot when resting and mostly obtain food from the bottom of the water, mud or the ground. Including cranes, storks, ibises, bustards, spoonbills, etc.

Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus)

Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus)

Table of ContentsPhysical CharacteristicsHabitat and EnvironmentBehavior, Li···



Table of ContentsPhysical CharacteristicsHabitat and EnvironmentBehavior, Li···

Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)

Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)

Ardea herodias

Species Scientific ClassificationThe Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) is cl···

Anhinga melanogaster

Anhinga melanogaster

Darter,Snake Bird

The Black-bellied Snake Darter (scientific name: Anhinga melanogaster, forei···

Microcarbo pygmaeus

Microcarbo pygmaeus

Microcarbo pygmaeus,Pygmy Cormorant

The Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmeus) is a seabird of the family Cormorid···

Phalacrocorax capillatus

Phalacrocorax capillatus

Phalacrocorax capillatus,Temminck et Schlegal,Japanese Cormorant

The dark green-backed cormorant (Phalacrocorax capillatus, Temminck et Schle···

Phalacrocorax carbo

Phalacrocorax carbo

Great Cormorant,Black Shag,Cormorant,White-breasted Cormorant,Heron, river cormorant, water crow, osprey, 鷧 (pronunciation meaning), black ghost, black fish man

The cormorant (scientific name: Phalacrocorax carbo), also known as heron, r···

Ardeola grayii

Ardeola grayii

Indian Pond-heron, Indian Pond Heron, Indian Pond-Heron

The Indian Pond Heron (Ardeola grayii) is a medium-sized wading bird, a smal···

Egretta novaehollandiae

Egretta novaehollandiae

Egretta novaehollandiae,White-faced Heron,White-faced Heron

The white-faced heron (Egretta novaehollandiae), also known as the white-fac···

Egretta picata

Egretta picata

Egretta picata,Pied Heron

The spotted egret (Taiwanese white-necked black egret) (scientific name: Egr···

Ardea intermedia

Ardea intermedia

Intermediate Egret,Yellow-billed Egret。Plumed Egret,Mesophoyx intermedia、Egretta intermedia

Ardea intermedia (scientific name: Ardea intermedia) is a bird of the genus ···

Ardea alba

Ardea alba

Ardea alba,egret, heron, white floating bird, winter village, great white crane, white crane heron, white village, snow guest

The great egret (scientific name: Ardea alba) is a bird of the genus Egret i···

Ardea purpurea

Ardea purpurea

Purple Heron、Purple heron, flower cellar horse, wood heron, long-necked heron

Ardea purpurea is a species of heron in the Ardeidae family. It is also know···

Phaethon lepturus

Phaethon lepturus

Phaethon lepturus、White-tailed Tropicbird, Long-tailed tropicbird

White-tailed grebe (scientific name: Phaethon lepturus) is a bird of the gen···

Phoenicopterus roseus

Phoenicopterus roseus

Phoenicopterus roseus,

The Greater Flamingo is a genus of Flamingo in the order Phoenicopteridae, c···

Threskiornis solitarius

Threskiornis solitarius

Threskiornis solitarius

The Reunion pigeon (Threskiornis solitarius), also known as the Reunion dodo···

Sterna paradisaea

Sterna paradisaea

Arctic Tern ,Sterna paradisaea

The Arctic tern is a seabird belonging to the tern genus. It is medium-sized···

Egretta garzetta

Egretta garzetta

Egretta garzetta,Great Egret, Middle Egret, Little Egret, Yellow-billed Egret

Egrets are a general term for medium-sized wading birds of the genus Egretta···

Calidris pygmaea

Calidris pygmaea

Calidris pygmaea,Shoveler,Spoon-billed Sandpiper

Spoon-billed Sandpiper breeds in the tundra, and is more common in coastal w···

Gorsachius melanolophus

Gorsachius melanolophus

Gorsachius melanolophus,Malayan Night-heron,Black-crowned egret, Black-crowned bittern

The black-crowned bittern, commonly known as the black-crowned bittern, live···

Egretta eulophotes

Egretta eulophotes

Egretta eulophotes,Chinese Egret,White cocoon, Shiraoi

The Chinese Egret is a medium-sized wading bird with no subspecies.The Chine···