
Feeding Crows: What to Offer These Intelligent Birds

2025-03-03 15:46:12 17

Crows are highly intelligent and adaptable birds that are capable of fending for themselves in most situations. They employ ingenious methods to access food, like using tools and dropping nuts on hard surfaces to crack them open. However, during challenging times such as when young are orphaned or food sources are scarce, helping them with the right kind of food can be beneficial.


Nutritional Needs and Feeding Guidelines for Crows

Feeding Orphaned Crows

Food TypeDetails
Early DietMix of oatmeal, hard-boiled egg yolk, dog food, cat food, baby cereal, and raw beef heart or kidney
SupplementsInclude bird vitamins and crushed eggshells
MethodSoak or chop the food, and initially feed it from the end of your finger

As orphaned crows grow, gradually introduce them to the adult crow diet. By around 6 weeks, most young crows can feed themselves.

Suitable Foods for Adult Crows

Adult crows have a diverse diet that includes a variety of items:

Food CategoryExamples
NutsAlmonds, acorns, walnuts, shelled nutmeats, unsalted peanuts
Seeds and GrainsCracked corn, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, rolled oats, millet, milo, wheat
Protein SourcesFrogs, lizards, insects, carrion, mealworms, crickets, mice
FruitsAny available fresh fruit
Additional ItemsDog or cat food in small pieces, ideally no bigger than peas

Special Considerations

During winter, mixing seeds or grains with beef fat to create suet can provide a high-energy food source ideal for colder weather. Crows often dunk their food in water, so placing water near the feeding site can be helpful.

Feeding Tips and Practices

Crows can be fed directly by placing food in open areas where they frequent. It is essential to ensure the food is clean and safe, as crows are known to be sensitive to spoiled or contaminated food. Avoid feeding crows processed foods or salty snacks, as these can be harmful to their health.

Conclusion: Supporting Crow Populations Through Responsible Feeding

While crows are proficient foragers, providing them with appropriate food during times of need can support their populations, especially in urban or changed environments. By understanding and catering to their dietary needs, we can coexist harmoniously with these fascinating birds, observing their intelligent behaviors and benefiting from their presence.

animal tags: crows