
What are the top ten herbivorous dinosaurs?

2023-05-05 20:56:33 379

Here are ten famous herbivorous dinosaurs:

1. Brontosaurus

2. Argentinosaurus, the largest herbivorous dinosaur among sauropods

3. Diplodocus

4. Spinosaurus

5. Stegosaurus

6. Iguanodon

7. Straw Dragon

8. Hipposaurus

9. Ankylosaur

10. Mamenchisaurus

The mouth structure and tooth morphology of these dinosaurs are suitable for chewing plants, and they usually eat leaves, branches, herbs, etc. as their main food source. Although they do not have sharp teeth and strong claws like predatory dinosaurs, they can also survive and thrive well in primitive grassland environments due to their huge size and thick skin.

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