
A complete collection of 50 animal idioms

2023-05-20 01:48:36 52

1. A blockbuster

2. The spirit of dragon and horse

3. Bullish and arrogant

4. A dog jumps over the wall in a hurry

5. Instant success

6. Fish leaping over the dragon gate

7. Even more powerful than a tiger

8. The fox pretends to be the tiger's power

9. Overjoyed

10. Anticlimactic

11. Conspiracy

12. Superfluous

13. Kill two birds with one stone

14. Stand out from the crowd

15. The eight immortals cross the sea, each showing his magical powers

16. The frog in the well

17. Kill the goose and get the eggs.

18. Birds singing and flowers fragrant

19. Golden Rooster Independence

20. A dog fights against human power

21. Zhu Bajie looks in the mirror - he is not human inside or outside

22. Try it out

23. Great wisdom but foolishness

24. Silence

25. Referring to a deer as a horse

26. The Yellow Crane Tower sends Meng Haoran away, and the Yandang Mountain embraces the Qing Dynasty

27. A white horse is not a horse

28. High mountains and long rivers

29. The power of nine cows and two tigers

30. Sit back and wait.

31. White hair and childish face

32. Swap a shotgun for a cannon

33. The chickens and dogs are restless

34. Finding a needle in a haystack

35. A dog cannot spit out ivory from its mouth

36. Like the new and hate the old

37. Helpless

38. Take a quick look at the flowers

39. Escape from the tiger's mouth

40. Enter the Dragon

41. Three people become tigers

42. The dragon sees its head but not its tail

43. The rabble

44. Fish eyes mixed with pearls

45. Friends

46. Give up halfway

47. Bear hardships and stand hard work

48. Phoenix Nirvana

49. A thousand miles a day

50. Foolproof

animal tags: 动物