
Can hamsters use water for bathing?

2023-05-25 21:59:29 191

Normally, it is not recommended to bathe your hamster with water. Because hamsters have very sensitive skin and most breeds come from dry environments, they are prone to getting sick in humid environments.

If you want to clean your hamster's fur, use a special sand or powder bath. These products absorb oil and dirt and keep your hamster's skin healthy and dry. You can buy sand or powder bath products specially designed for hamsters at pet stores, and just use them according to the instructions.

In addition, you can provide your hamsters with good housing and dietary management to help them stay clean and healthy. Keep its cage dry, replace wood or paper chips regularly, and provide it with fresh water and food. If you notice that your hamster has skin problems or other health issues, contact a veterinary clinic or pet hospital for treatment immediately.

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