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Zhangixalus hongchibaensis

2022-10-03 10:10:42 342

During the breeding season from March to June, the male frog makes a "del, del, del" sound, which is more frequent at night. When mating, the male frog holds the female frog's armpit with its forelimbs. The female frog lays eggs at the bottom of the herbaceous plants near the swamp pond. The follicles are white.

Listed in the second level of the "List of National Key Protected Wildlife in China".

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Distributed in Chongqing (Wuxi Hongchiba) in China. Lives in the grass near the edge of swamps and ponds in mountainous areas at an altitude of 1747m.
The skin on the back of the body and limbs has small spots; the ventral surface of the body and the ventral surface of the thighs are densely covered with flat warts, and the throat is smaller. The back of the body and limbs is light green with light brown spots of different sizes, and the edges of the spots are dark brown; the ventral surface is milky white with slightly gray-brown small spots or cloud-like spots. The male frog has a single subpharyngeal vocal sac; there is a nuptial pad at the base of the first finger.