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Boulenophrys baolongensis

2022-10-14 14:34:12 288

The dragon-horned toad hides under the rocks or in the grass by the stream during the day. At night, the male toads often make chirping sounds on the rocks by the stream. They stop chirping under the electric light and do not escape. The tadpoles live in the streams with cool water quality, and often move between or under the rocks in the slow flow.

It is endemic to China. The ecological environment quality of the toad's habitat has declined, and its population has decreased.

It is listed in the second level of the "List of National Key Protected Wildlife in China".


Endemic to China, distributed in Chongqing (Baolong Town, Wushan County).

Lives near mountain streams at an altitude of about 790m.
The skin on the back is relatively smooth and has small thorns. There are intermittent skin folds and warts on the back and sides of the body, and a V-shaped skin fold above the anus. The back is grass green, with a dark brown triangular spot between the eyes, dark brown markings on the back of the body, and symmetrical grass green circular spots on the shoulders; there are dark and light horizontal stripes on the limbs; there is a dark brown longitudinal spot with a light-colored edge in the middle and on both sides of the throat.