
Characteristics and living habits of the Millennium Snapper

2023-04-17 03:48:44 167

The Thousand-Year Snapper is very tall, with medium-sized comb scales, and all the scales above and below the lateral line run diagonally. The snout is blunt and pointed, and the dorsal edge is straight. The front end of the upper jaw has 2 pairs of large conical teeth, and the lower jaw has 1 row of conical teeth. The posterior edge of the preopercular bone is notched narrowly and shallowly. The posterior edges of the dorsal and anal fin rays are pointed. There are three black diagonal strips on the side of the body of the juvenile fish, which become blurred and disappear as they grow.

Warm water bottom fish. The total length can be up to 800 mm. An important economic fish caught by trawling and fishing hook operations.

Distributed in the Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean. Our country is found in the South China Sea and the East China Sea.

animal tags: millennium snapper