
Characteristics and living habits of Konoha plaice

2023-04-17 03:09:17 268

Both eyes of Konoha flounder are on the right side of the head. The body on the eye side is brown with dark fine spots; the eye side is white. Both sides of the body are covered with small round scales. The mouth is small, and the clefts on both sides are unequal in length. Both jaws on the side with eyes are toothless, and the side without eyes has 2 to 3 rows of fine canines on each side. The space between the eyes is narrow and ridge-like, with a small spine on the front and back. The edge of the front gill cover is hidden under the skin and is not free.

Warm water offshore bottom fish. The general body length is 110 to 220 mm. The eyes of the larvae are symmetrical. After metamorphosis, the left eye moves to the right and the fish transitions to a bottom-dwelling life. Distributed in the western North Pacific. It is produced all along the coast of our country.

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