News Dinosaur paleontology TOP10 Video Pet
What to do when turtle hibernation ends

What to do when turtle hibernation ends

When your tortoise hibernation ends, there are a few things you need to do to he···

What kind of goldfish is best to raise?

What kind of goldfish is best to raise?

Goldfish are a popular ornamental fish. With their beautiful appearance and live···

During which months do turtles wake up from hibernation?

During which months do turtles wake up from hibernation?

During hibernation, turtles usually choose to hibernate during seasons with lowe···

Top ten easy-to-raise pigeons, top ten recommended rankings of ornamental pigeons

Top ten easy-to-raise pigeons, top ten recommended rankings of ornamental pigeons

There are more than 600 species of ornamental pigeons in the world, and my count···

What types of Tyrannosaurus rex are there?

What types of Tyrannosaurus rex are there?

Tyrannosaurus rex is one of the most famous dinosaurs. It is a large carnivorous···

When it's cold, should you put your turtle in water or keep it dry?

When it's cold, should you put your turtle in water or keep it dry?

How to care for a turtle when the weather is cold depends on the species and liv···

Is the giant panda a bear or a cat?

Is the giant panda a bear or a cat?

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) belongs to the bear family (Ursidae), n···

Can hamsters eat pineapple?

Can hamsters eat pineapple?

Hamsters can eat pineapple, but they need to be careful about the amount. Pineap···

The 10 most beautiful swans in the world

The 10 most beautiful swans in the world

Cygnus (scientific name: Cygnus) is an important genus in the duck family of the···

What do Chinese tortoises eat?

What do Chinese tortoises eat?

The Chinese tortoise is a common tortoise mainly found in China and Southeast As···

The top 10 most beautiful woodpeckers in the world

The top 10 most beautiful woodpeckers in the world

Woodpeckers are a species of woodpeckers in the order Woodpeckers, and are power···

How to feed small crabs

How to feed small crabs

Baby crabs are adorable pets and they need the right food for them to stay healt···

How long does a horned frog live?

How long does a horned frog live?

The lifespan of horned frogs varies depending on species and environmental condi···

The top 10 largest piranhas in the world, the overlord of fish schools

The top 10 largest piranhas in the world, the overlord of fish schools

There are many types of piranhas in the world, most of them are carnivorous, agg···

Top ten flightless birds in the world, I guess you only know about ostriches

Top ten flightless birds in the world, I guess you only know about ostriches

The first impression of birds is often the magnificent sight of soaring in the b···

The ten most beautiful moths in the world

The ten most beautiful moths in the world

Moths are a class of insects in the order Lepidoptera, commonly known as moths, ···

The ten most disgusting flies in the world

The ten most disgusting flies in the world

Flies often become a common problem in many social settings. House flies and oth···

The top ten locust disasters in history

The top ten locust disasters in history

Historically, locust plagues have been a global disaster, often causing damage t···

The ten most feared locusts in the world

The ten most feared locusts in the world

Locusts, commonly known as grasshoppers, grasshoppers, grasshoppers, may be one ···

The world's ten most poisonous mosquitoes

The world's ten most poisonous mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are extremely nasty insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts and tiny···