Level 2Basic Information
Scientific classification
- name:Brachytongue
- Aliases:Glossobalanus mortenseni
- Outline:Hemichordata
- Family:Balanoglossida Ptychoderidae Glossobalanus
Vital signs
- length:35mm
- Weight:
- lifetime:
Glossobalanus mortenseni (scientific name: Glossobalanus mortenseni) is an enterobranchial animal distributed along the coast of the Sea of Japan and the coast of China. It belongs to the genus Glossobalanus of the family Glossobalanus. It was described and named by Dutch scholar Cornelius Jan van der Horst in 1932.
Included in the "China National Key Protected Wild Animals List" Level 2.
Domestically distributed in Hainan. Distributed abroad in Mauritius. It inhabits intertidal zones and lurks on sandy or muddy bottoms.
Body length is about 35 mm. The snout is conical. The gill area is exposed, the central line of the back is a deep groove, which extends to the reproductive area to form a protruding mid-dorsal ridge, and the reproductive wings are not obvious. The liver area is clearly demarcated. The central groove of the abdomen runs through the entire gill area and genital area. The anus opens in the center of the end.