News Dinosaur paleontology TOP10 Video Pet
Lin Hui, a giant panda living in Chiang Mai, Thailand, unfortunately passed away

Lin Hui, a giant panda living in Chiang Mai, Thailand, unfortunately passed away

According to a report from the Chiang Mai Zoo, the giant panda Lin Hui in Thaila···

The story of Empress Dowager Bo of the Western Han Dynasty and the panda

The story of Empress Dowager Bo of the Western Han Dynasty and the panda

It is not the nature of modern people to keep pandas as pets. Looking through hi···

Humans and pandas have been walking together for 800 years

Humans and pandas have been walking together for 800 years

The history of human beings traveling with pandas can be traced back to the Lufe···

Pandas’ teeth may become cavities due to regular consumption of bamboo

Pandas’ teeth may become cavities due to regular consumption of bamboo

What is the relationship between bamboo and dental caries? Literally speaking, t···

Why do pandas like to eat bamboo?

Why do pandas like to eat bamboo?

Why do pandas eat bamboo? Is it inherited from ancestors or acquired? After year···

The rise and fall of the panda family

The rise and fall of the panda family

The panda is a unique mammal in my country and the most familiar species to peop···

The evolutionary history of pandas (past and present lives of pandas)

The evolutionary history of pandas (past and present lives of pandas)

Since the birth of the first panda, for more than a century, through the joint e···

Is a panda a bear or a cat (a panda is a panda)

Is a panda a bear or a cat (a panda is a panda)

Before answering this question, it is necessary to explain the meaning of these ···

The origin of pandas (who are the ancestors of pandas)

The origin of pandas (who are the ancestors of pandas)

In 1942, the lower right gum of a carnivore with a third premolar to a second mo···

Who discovered the panda (the first person to discover the panda)

Who discovered the panda (the first person to discover the panda)

According to literature, the scientific discovery of the panda was in 1869, and ···

The origin of the name panda

The origin of the name panda

The Chinese have a long history of understanding pandas, and various names for p···

The new version of the

The new version of the "List of Terrestrial Wild Animals in Beijing" was released, and 12

On April 16, the Beijing Municipal Landscaping and Greening Bureau released a ne···

Is Wild Elephant Valley the source of Asian elephants in China?

Is Wild Elephant Valley the source of Asian elephants in China?

Speaking of elephants in China, we have to mention a well-known name: Wild Eleph···

Elephant culture on both sides of the Mekong River

Elephant culture on both sides of the Mekong River


How does an elephant's trunk grow longer?

How does an elephant's trunk grow longer?

1. Primitive proboscis without trunk For a long time before the emergence of Apa···

Nine-tailed fox turtle fossil discovered in Guangxi (an ancient creature from 410 million years ago)

Nine-tailed fox turtle fossil discovered in Guangxi (an ancient creature from 410 million years ago)

Recently, the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the ···

The only animal with no cancer found

The only animal with no cancer found

According to data from the World Health Organization, cancer is the second leadi···

Ostrich policy argument

Ostrich policy argument

The ostrich is the largest bird living in the world. But they can't fly. The ost···

Insects are born “scientists”

Insects are born “scientists”

The inconspicuous little insects contain infinite scientific truths. Let’s take···

Angler Fish, Goddess of the Lamp

Angler Fish, Goddess of the Lamp

Don’t get me wrong, the goddess with the lamp mentioned here is not the famous ···