
The highest jumping insect on earth

2022-12-19 14:22:45 288

The bubble blower is the highest jumping insect. Blowing bugs feed on plants. Female blow bugs typically lay their eggs on plant stems and protect the offspring with a foamy substance they secrete. This insect rarely flies and usually jumps from plant to plant.

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From the popular science in our childhood and what I know now, the highest jumper is not the flea. Scientists have always believed that fleas can jump with a force of 136 times their own body weight and are the strongest high jumpers. But Dr. Malcolm Barrows of the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom discovered that the jumping power of the bubble bug, also known as the frog springer, can reach 414 times its own body weight. Such force can lift the tiny insect to a height of about 68.6 centimeters.


Adult froghoppers leap from plant to plant; some species can jump vertically up to 70 centimeters, and the oldest froghoppers are known from the early Jurassic, where they blow bubbles on plants to protect their nymphs. If humans had this ability, what would be the problem with cars? The basketball game will probably be cancelled.

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