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Anser rossii

Anser rossii

Anser rossii,Chen rossii,Ross’s Goose

Features:The fine bill goose is similar to the snow goose, but is much smaller, and its beak base has no black lines like that of the emperor goose

Anser rossii is Ross's Goose, no subspecies.The behavior and habits of the fine bill goose are similar to those of the snow goose. Social throughout the year, but in groups during migration. Molt after mating and migration begins in September. Most wintering birds arrive in mid-October. The retr...

Emperor Goose

Emperor Goose

Emperor Goose,Emperor Goose

Features:There is a gray and obese body, similar to both sexes, the adult bird's head and nape are white, the throat is black, the goose's beak and webbed legs are pink, the mantle feathers are black, and the coverts are dark blue-gray, covered with white spots

The Emperor Goose (Anser canagicus) is a large, individual bird of the genus Anser.The emperor goose flaps its wings slowly when migrating and flying, which is somewhat awkward, but it is more powerful, and it is in no hurry, and flies slowly, in a single column or 'V' formation. Flying at a...

Pink-footed Goose

Pink-footed Goose

Pink-footed Goose,Anser brachyrhynchus

Features:The head and neck are dark, the goose's beak is yellow with black patches, and the legs are pink

The footed Goose (Anser brachyrhynchus) is a large, relatively heavy bird of the genus Footed goose.Pink-footed geese live in Arctic tundra, swamps, and ponds during the summer. Their nests are built in many types of environments, including flat ground, steep cliffs, and very dry ground. In winter,...

Anas wyvilliana

Anas wyvilliana

Anas wyvilliana,Hawaiian Duck,Koloa

Features:It is a timid and mysterious medium-sized teal

The Hawaiian Duck (Anas wyvilliana), also known as Hawaiian Duck or Koloa, is a swimming bird of the genus Anatidae. The native Hawaiian name for this duck is "koloa maoli", meaning "native duck" and simply "koloa". Locals in Hawaii say that Hawaiian ducks can only get...

Silver Teal

Silver Teal

Silver Teal,Anas versicolor


The Silver duck (Anas versicolor) is known as Silver Teal and has three subspecies. Duck is a medium-sized swimming bird.The silver duck mainly floats on the surface of the water and gets its food underwater, eating plants as its staple food and sometimes animal foods. Ducks have webbed toes, but ra...

African Yellow-billed Duck

African Yellow-billed Duck

African Yellow-billed Duck,Anas undulata

Features:The wings have green mirrors and white frames, a bright yellow beak, and black eyes and legs

The African Yellow-billed Duck (Anas undulata) has two subspecies and belongs to the family Anatidae.The African yellow-billed duck mainly floats on the surface of the water and gets its food underwater, eating plants as its staple food and sometimes animal foods. Ducks have webbed toes, but rarely...

Anas superciliosa

Anas superciliosa

Anas superciliosa,Pacific Black Duck,Grey Duck

Features:The overall plumage is mainly mottled brown, brown and light yellow, with dark brown to light yellow stripes and spots throughout the body

The Pacific Black Duck (Anas superciliosa) is a medium sized swimming bird in the family Anatidae.Pacific black ducks usually appear in pairs or small flocks, easily mixing with other ducks, and are a common spot for lake viewing and urban ponds, where the ducks become very docile. Generally in pair...

Spectacled Duck

Spectacled Duck

Spectacled Duck,Bronze-winged Duck,Speculanas specularis

Features:It's a spectacled duck with a distinctive head and neck

Anas specularis: Spectacled Duck, Bronze-winged Duck, belonging to the family Anatidae.The copper-winged duck mainly floats on the surface of the water and gets its food underwater, subsisting on plant food and sometimes animal food. Ducks have webbed toes, but rarely dive, swim with their tails out...

Tadorna tadorna

Tadorna tadorna

Tadorna tadorna,Common Shelduck

Features:The body feathers are mostly white, the head and upper neck are black, with green luster, and the mouth is turned upward and red

The Common Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) is a large duck with no subspecies.In early March, the ducks began to leave the wintering ground and move to the northern breeding ground. They arrived at the breeding ground in northeast China from early April to mid-April, and at the breeding ground in northwe...

African Black Duck

African Black Duck

African Black Duck,Anas sparsa

Features:The bill is black and the legs and feet are orange

The African Black Duck (Anas sparsa) is a medium-sized swimming bird in the family Anatidae.African black ducks are typically river ducks, almost never leaving rivers and streams. It mainly floats on the surface of the water and gets its food underwater, eating plants as the staple food and sometime...

Anas smithii

Anas smithii

Anas smithii,Cape Shoveler

Features:The main part of the adult duck's upper and lower body is dark brown, with mottled feathers edged with white edges

Cape Shoveler (Anas smithii) is a medium-sized swimming bird in the family Anatidae.Brown-top Spoonbill prefers to live in clusters, and most of its activities choose to live in wild grass in swampy areas near water. It mainly floats on the surface of the water and gets its food underwater, eating p...

Chiloe Wigeon

Chiloe Wigeon

Chiloe Wigeon,Anas sibilatrix

Features:The chest is clearly streaked in black and white, flanked by an orange-brown, slightly curved black bill

Chiloe Wigeon (Anas sibilatrix) is a medium-sized swimming bird in the family Anatidae.Black and white ducks like to live in clusters in winter, and most of their activities choose to live in the wild grass in the marsh area near the water. It mainly floats on the surface of the water and gets its f...

Anas rubripe

Anas rubripe

Anas rubripes,American Black Duck,Black Duck

Features:The upper body, tail and wings are dark brown

The North American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) is a medium-sized swimming bird in the family Anatidae.North American black ducks eat seeds, aquatic plants, and crops, and also consume a fairly high proportion of invertebrates, including insects, mollusks, and crustaceans in spring and summer. Foragin...

Anas rhynchotis

Anas rhynchotis

Anas rhynchotis,Spatula rhynchotis,Australasian Shoveler

Features:The sexes differ greatly, and the plumage varies with the seasons

The black-headed Spoonbill (Spatula rhynchotis) is a medium-sized swimming bird in the family Anatidae and the genus Spatula, with two subspecies.Black-capped Spoonbills are timid and cautious, usually living in small groups, but in the dry season, they can mix with other birds and gather in large g...

Red Shoveler

Red Shoveler

Red Shoveler,Spatula platalea

Features:The most notable feature is a very large beak

The Red Shoveler (Spatula platalea) is a medium-sized swimming bird belonging to the family Anatidae.The red Spoonbill duck has special bill shape and bright feather color, which has ornamental value. It is found in open lakes, rivers, coastal lagoons, ponds, mangroves and swamps. In shallow water,...

Anas nesiotis

Anas nesiotis

Anas nesiotis,Campbell Islands Teal

Features:The plumage is dark brown and the male has a shiny green head during the breeding season

The Campbell Islands Teal (Anas nesiotis) is a medium-sized swimming bird belonging to the family Anatidae.Kan Island ducks are timid and mainly nocturnal, gathering in small flocks with couples or families, never in large flocks. Male and female ducks pair up all year round. They defend their terri...

Meller’s Duck

Meller’s Duck

Meller’s Duck,Anas melleri

Features:The wings have dark green mirrors with white edges on the tips of the wings, and white feathers can be seen on the underside of the wings during flight

Meller's Duck: There are two species of duck in Madagascar: Anas bernieri and Anas melleri, and the common name in Chinese is both Malay and Malay.Marmoted ducks usually live in pairs or in small flocks of 11 to 56 ducks, but can also form larger flocks of up to 400 ducks at feeding time. They f...

Anas laysanensis

Anas laysanensis

Anas laysanensis,Laysan Duck

Features:Their beaks are short and flat with black spots

The Laysan Duck (Anas laysanensis), formerly a subspecies of the mallard duck, was classified as a separate species in 1987.Lae ducks are most active in the morning and evening, but are also adjusted by food availability. The Lai Island duck is highly capable of flying and can reach as far as the Ch...

Hottentot Teal

Hottentot Teal

Hottentot Teal,Anas hottentota

Features:The duck has a bluish-gray bill, the male is more vivid and bright than the female, and the legs and feet are gray-blue

The South African duck (Anas hottentota), commonly known as Hottentot Teal, lives in couples or small groups and forages in the early morning or late evening. Vegetation pools along coastlines and wetlands. It mainly floats on the surface of the water and gets its food underwater, eating plants as t...

Anas gracilis

Anas gracilis

Anas gracilis,Grey Teal


The Grey duck (Anas gracilis), also known as Grey Teal, was once classified as a subspecies of the Javanese grey duck, but was reclassified as a separate species by BirdLife International in 2008.Gray ducks often live in pairs or small flocks, and in winter and migration seasons, flocks of more than...

Anas gibberifrons

Anas gibberifrons

Anas gibberifrons,Sunda Teal

Features:A brown duck with an iron gray bill and mottled feathers

The Javan grey duck (Anas gibberifrons), also known as Sunda Teal, has three subspecies.The Javan grey duck prefers to live in clusters in winter, mostly in wild grass in swampy areas near the water. It mainly floats on the surface of the water and gets its food underwater, eating plants as the stap...