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Rhacophorus laoshan

2022-10-03 10:01:52 300

The Laoshan tree frog is commonly found in mixed forests of secondary broad-leaved trees and bamboos at an altitude of about 1,390 meters. The ground is covered with dense bushes and weeds. It is distributed in the Wanglao Mountain in Tianlin, Guangxi, my country. The Laoshan tree frog usually breeds in pairs, and the breeding time is late May. The frog is mostly active in the woods. The male frog calls on the branches and leaves of the bushes 1 to 3 meters high, and often the calls of several frogs echo each other from a distance.


Listed in the second level of the "List of National Key Protected Wildlife in China".

Endemic to China, distributed in Guangxi (Tianlincenwanglao Mountain), living in mountainous forest areas at an altitude of about 1390m.
The back is chocolate, gray-brown or brown-yellow; there is often a brown horizontal stripe between the two eyes, and there is a thick X-shaped brown spot or it is not obvious on the shoulder and middle back. Some have large brown spots on the back of the body; there are wide brown horizontal stripes on the back of the limbs; the pharynx, chest and forelimbs are light purple-brown, the abdomen and ventral surface of the limbs are flesh-colored, and the folded part of the hind limbs is orange-yellow.