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Pseudohynobius guizhouensis

2022-10-19 15:03:29 185

Juveniles live in the backwater of a stream, which is about 2.0m wide. There are dense bamboos and shrubs on the edge of the stream, covering the sky above the stream. Adults stay away from water during the non-breeding period and live on land, hiding in a cool and humid environment.

Listed in the second level of the "List of National Key Protected Wildlife in China".


Endemic to China, distributed in Guizhou (Guiding).

Lives in streams and their vicinity in higher mountainous areas at an altitude of 1400-1700m.
The head is flat and oval, with a round snout and no lip folds. There are fine teeth on the upper and lower jaws; the premaxillary ridge is large; the vomerine dentition is star-shaped. The trunk is cylindrical and slightly flattened dorsally and ventrally. There are obvious ridges from the back of the head to the base of the tail, and there are 12-13 rib grooves; the dorsal fin fold of the tail starts above the base of the tail and ends with a blunt tip. The entire back is purple-brown, with irregular, orange-red or khaki, nearly circular spots, and the shape of the spots varies greatly.