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Batrachuperus cochranae

2022-10-19 16:42:34 187

The weak-lipped stream salamander is a tailed amphibian of the family Hynomidae and the genus Hynomidae. It lives in high mountainous areas at an altitude of 3,500 to 3,900 meters, often inhabiting lush vegetation and extremely humid environments on the ground. It is often found in the moist environment of the roots of the medicinal plant, Notopterygium incisum.

This salamander has medicinal value, but its population has decreased due to overexploitation and the decline in the ecological environment quality of its habitat.

Listed in the second level of the "List of National Key Protected Wildlife in China".


Endemic to China, distributed in Sichuan (Baoxing, Xiaojin).

Lives in high mountainous areas at an altitude of 3500-3900m, in an environment with lush vegetation and extremely humid ground.
The top of the head is flat, the snout is high, the snout tip is wide and round, the lip fold is weak and not obvious, and does not cover the lower lip; the head is longer than the head width, and the back of the head is wider and flatter; the front jaw is large, and the vomerine teeth are in two short rows, with wide spacing between the left and right, forming an "eight" shape. The trunk is round; the base of the tail is cylindrical, gradually flattened backwards, and the tail fin fold is straight and low and thick, only thinner at the back.