Name:Tylototriton pseudoverrucosus
Alias:Tylototriton pseudoverrucosus
Family:Caudata Salamandridae Cynodontidae
The southern Sichuan newt is a tailed amphibian of the Salamandridae family and the genus Salamandridae. It lives in mountainous areas at an altitude of 2300-2800m and inhabits secondary forest belts. Adult newts often move in still water areas and wetlands, preying on small aquatic insects and mollusks. The breeding season is from June to July, during which adult newts move around day and night, often gathering in swamp puddles and still ponds to mate or lay eggs.
It is endemic to China. The quality of its habitat has declined due to human activities, and natural disasters such as mudslides have occurred frequently, resulting in a decrease in its population.
Listed in the second level of the "List of National Key Protected Wildlife in China".