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Animals by Scientific Class Names

The scientific names of animals are named and classified using the binomial nomenclature system of biology. This system is based on a series of hierarchical structures, from the broadest to the most specific, including kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. The following is the general structure of the scientific names of animals:

KingdomAnimaliaHomo sapiens、Canis lupus familiaris
PhylumChordataBalaenoptera musculus、Aves
ClassMammaliaPanthera tigris、whale
OrderPrimatesGorilla gorilla、Macaca mulatta
FamilyHominidaeHomo sapiens、Gorilla
GenusHomoHomo sapiens、Homo neanderthalensis
SpeciesHomo sapiensModern humans only

This classification method helps biologists clearly understand and study the relationship between species, and promotes various biological studies.

Babyrousa celebensis

Babyrousa celebensis

Babyrousa celebensis,Kalowatan,Celebes Babirusa, Togian Babirusa

Features:Almost no hair on the body

Sulawesi Babirusa (scientific name: Babyrousa celebensis) is called Kalowatan in foreign language, and has no subspecies.Sulawesi Babirusa consists of small groups of one or two adult females and their offspring, most of which are females with young animals. Groups rarely exceed 5, but groups of up...

Babyrousa babyrussa

Babyrousa babyrussa

Babyrousa babyrussa,Hairy Babirusa、Babiroussa,Moluccan wild boar, Babirusa pig deer, Maluku babirusa

Features:It is the wild boar with the smallest skull shape.

Hairy Babirusa (scientific name: Babyrousa babyrussa) is also known as Hairy Babirusa and Babiroussa in foreign languages. There is no subspecies.Hairy Babirusa is a diurnal animal that is active mainly in the morning. It spends about half of its time lying down, usually sleeping. They run fast and...

Lama glama

Lama glama

Lama glama,llama,Domestic Alpaca

Features:Long limbs, protruding and curved ears

The llama (Latin scientific name: Lama glama, English name: llama) is the heaviest and largest South American alpaca in South America.Llamas are social animals and are trained to use nooses and lead the way after weaning. They are very friendly. They are extremely curious and happy to interact with...

Vicugna pacos

Vicugna pacos

Vicugna pacos, Alpaca,Grass Mud Horse,Alpaca

Features:One of the top ten mythical beasts made fun of by Chinese netizens

The alpaca (scientific name Vicugna pacos, English name Alpaca) native to South America is also known as the Grass Mud Horse in my country. It is one of the top ten mythical beasts spoofed by Chinese netizens, and originated from Baidu World of Warcraft. The top ten mythical beasts, including the Gr...

Lama guanicoe

Lama guanicoe

Lama guanicoe,Guanaco

Features:The wild ancestor of domestic camels and alpacas

Guanaco (scientific name: Lama guanicoe) is a docile herbivore with four subspecies.Guanacos like to form small groups, with 4-10 females led by a male. The territory is marked by the accumulation of feces in the group. Male guanacos fight for territory by colliding with each other and spitting. You...

Vicugna vicugna

Vicugna vicugna

Vicugna vicugna,Vicuna

Features:Among alpaca wool, vicuña wool is the thickest and longest, but has poor elasticity.

Llama (scientific name: Vicugna vicugna) is also known as Vicuna in English. It has three subspecies and is a large mammal.The llama is a unique animal on the semi-arid grasslands at an altitude of 3,500 to 5,750 meters in the Andes Mountains of Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. It can carry goods...

Camelus dromedarius

Camelus dromedarius

Camelus dromedarius,dromedary

Features:It is named after its hump and is the national animal of Egypt.

The dromedary camel (scientific name: Camelus dromedarius) is also known as dromedary in English. It has no subspecies and is slightly taller than the Bactrian camel. It has a thinner body and longer legs than the Bactrian camel.Camels are quite able to endure hunger and thirst. After drinking enoug...

King Kong

King Kong

King Kong,gorilla, silverback gorilla

Features:Silverback gorillas are older male gorillas whose back fur has turned silver-gray.

The common name of the gorilla is the gorilla, the silverback gorilla, which is the largest primate in existence and the animal closest to humans except for the two chimpanzees. The silverback gorilla is not a new species of gorilla, but the hair color on the back of the older (about 12 years old) m...

Homo sapiens

Homo sapiens

Homo sapiens,Human

Features:A general term for modern humans and their direct ancestors

Homo sapiens (scientific name: Homo sapiens) is the only existing species under the genus Homo. Its morphological characteristics are more advanced than those of Homo erectus. It is divided into early Homo sapiens and late Homo sapiens.Homo sapiens evolved from Homo erectus and has a larger brain ca...

Pan paniscus

Pan paniscus

Pan paniscus,Dwarf Chimpanzee,Bonobo, pygmy chimpanzee

Features:Much smaller than chimpanzees, more upright, more docile, and less likely to get angry

Bonobos (scientific name: Pan paniscus) are called Dwarf Chimpanzee in foreign language. They are one of the two species of chimpanzees and have no subspecies.Bonobos are highly intelligent and social animals. They live in stable areas and live in groups of up to 150 members, although this usually s...

Gorilla beringei

Gorilla beringei

Gorilla beringei,Eastern gorilla,East African gorilla

Features:Darker and larger than the West African gorilla

The scientific name of the East African gorilla is Gorilla beringei. There are two subspecies, namely the East African lowland gorilla and the mountain gorilla. They like to live in dense forests and form small families as social units, with a population of up to 40. A group is led by a male leader,...

Lowland GorillaWestern Gorilla

Lowland GorillaWestern Gorilla

Gorilla gorilla,Lowland GorillaWestern Gorilla,Western gorilla, African western gorilla


The scientific name of the West African gorilla is Gorilla gorilla, and its foreign name is Lowland GorillaWestern Gorilla. There are two subspecies, namely the West African lowland gorilla and the Cross River gorilla.West African gorillas are active during the day and eat figs, rambutan, mangoes, h...

Pongo pygmaeus

Pongo pygmaeus

Pongo pygmaeus, Bornean Orangutan, Orang-outan de Bornéo, Orang-után,Orangutan

Features:It is the only orangutan species that is found in Asia.

Bornean orangutan (scientific name: Pongo pygmaeus) is called Bornean Orangutan in English, Orang-outan de Bornéo in French, and Orang-után in Spanish. There are three subspecies.Male Bornean orangutans live alone, while females live alone or with young orangutans. They are active during the day,...

Pongo abelii

Pongo abelii

Pongo abelii,Sumatran Orangutan,Sumatran Orangutan

Features:The largest orangutan in Sumatra

The Sumatran orangutan (scientific name: Pongo abelii) is the largest orangutan on the island of Sumatra. Among primates, its size is second only to that of gorillas.The Sumatran orangutan has a higher IQ than its Bornean cousin, the orangutan, partly because of the large, strong fig trees that allo...

Symphalangus syndactylus

Symphalangus syndactylus

Symphalangus syndactylus,Siamang,Little monkey

Features:The largest gibbon

Symphalangus syndactylus (scientific name: Symphalangus syndactylus) is called Siamang in foreign language, and has no subspecies.Symphalangus syndactylus is a diurnal animal that likes to live in small groups as a family unit. It is a monogamous primate, usually consisting of 5 individuals in a gro...

Nomascus annamensis

Nomascus annamensis

Nomascus annamensis,Northern Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon、Northern Buff-cheeked Gibbon,Nomascus gabriellae

Features:Females lack the characteristic crown of hair

The Northern Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon (scientific name: Nomascus annamensis) is also known as the Northern Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon and the Northern Buff-cheeked Gibbon. It used to belong to the same species as the Red-cheeked Gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae). Genetic DNA and sound studies hav...

Nomascus concolors

Nomascus concolors

Nomascus concolors, Black Crested Gibbon、Black Gibbon、Concolor Gibbon、Indochinese Gibbon、Western Black Crested Gibbon, Gibbon Noir, Gibón de cresta negra, Westlicher Schopfgibbon

Features:The western black-crested gibbon has the longest arms relative to its body size of all primates.

The Western Black Crested Gibbon (scientific name: Nomascus concolors) is known as Black Crested Gibbon, Black Gibbon, Concolor Gibbon, Indochinese Gibbon, Western Black Crested Gibbon, Gibbon Noir in French, Gibón de cresta negra in Spanish, and Westlicher Schopfgibbon in German. It has two subspe...

Nomascus siki

Nomascus siki

Nomascus siki,Southern White-cheeked Gibbon

Features:There is a patch of white or yellow hair on each side of the cheek from the corner of the mouth to the top of the ear.

The Southern White-cheeked Gibbon (scientific name: Nomascus siki) was confirmed as an independent species in 1972. It was previously considered a subspecies of the white-cheeked gibbon. It lives in trees. It is active during the day. It is good at swinging its arms alternately, bending its fingers...

Nomascus hainanus

Nomascus hainanus

Nomascus hainanus,Hainan Gibbon、Hainan Black Crested Gibbon、Hainan Black Gibbon、Hainan Crested Gibbon,Hainan black-crested gibbon, bang-bang monkey, bao monkey

Features:One of the world's most endangered primates

Hainan Gibbon (scientific name: Nomascus hainanus) Foreign names: Hainan Gibbon, Hainan Black Crested Gibbon, Hainan Black Gibbon, Hainan Crested Gibbon, no subspecies.The difference between Hainan gibbons and other gibbons is that its population is larger and it lives in a family-like manner. It us...

Nomascus gabriellae

Nomascus gabriellae

Nomascus gabriellae,Red-cheeked Gibbon、Buff-cheeked Gibbon、Buffy-cheeked Gibbon、Southern Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon,Red-cheeked black ape, yellow-cheeked crested gibbon, light yellow-cheeked gibbon

Features:There is a patch of orange or yellow hair on each side of the cheek from the corner of the mouth to the top of the ear.

Red-cheeked Gibbon (scientific name: Nomascus gabriellae) is also known as Red-cheeked Gibbon, Buff-cheeked Gibbon, Buffy-cheeked Gibbon, Southern Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon, and has no subspecies.Red-cheeked gibbons have a strong sense of territory, with each family group covering about 20 to 50...

Hylobates pileatus

Hylobates pileatus

Hylobates pileatus,Pileated Gibbon,Fence-crowned gibbon, Crested gibbon

Features:A tuft of black hair on the top of the head that looks like a crown

Pileated Gibbon (scientific name: Hylobates pileatus) is also known as Pileated Gibbon in English. It has no subspecies.Pileated gibbons usually form a family of 4, including an adult male and an adult female, and the rest are semi-adult and young gibbons, with an adult male serving as the leader. G...