News Dinosaur paleontology TOP10 Video
The evolution of whales (long-legged whales)

The evolution of whales (long-legged whales)

Modern whales have smooth skin and streamlined body shapes. Their huge tails cre···

The great family of true beasts after the second great outbreak

The great family of true beasts after the second great outbreak

During the period starting from the Eocene and continuing to the Oligocene, the ···

Classification of ancient mammal groups

Classification of ancient mammal groups

The earliest true beasts were insectivores (order) that appeared in the Cretaceo···

The evolution of eutherian animals

The evolution of eutherian animals

Almost at the same time as the origin of marsupials, another more progressive ma···

The development of marsupials

The development of marsupials

The only order in the subclass Metatheria is the Marsupial order. It has experie···

Platypus and monotremes

Platypus and monotremes

After experiencing the catastrophe at the end of the Mesozoic Era until modern t···

Animals that survived the mass extinction of the dinosaurs

Animals that survived the mass extinction of the dinosaurs

We already know that the tragic mass extinction of the dinosaurs marked the end ···

Ancestor types of humans and mammals

Ancestor types of humans and mammals

A large number of primitive mammal fossil skeletons discovered in the Triassic s···

Origins and Characteristics of Mammals

Origins and Characteristics of Mammals

As early as the late Triassic, when dinosaurs had just entered the evolutionary ···

Specialized characteristics of armorless amphibians

Specialized characteristics of armorless amphibians

Frogs, toads and salamanders are familiar amphibians. They are still active in p···

Introduction to shell-vertebrate amphibians

Introduction to shell-vertebrate amphibians

Most conchovertebrates are small amphibians, adapted to life in shallow water an···

The earliest amphibians on earth (labyrinths)

The earliest amphibians on earth (labyrinths)

Labyrinths are the earliest terrestrial vertebrates to appear on earth. They flo···

The origin and evolution of amphibians

The origin and evolution of amphibians

The origin of amphibians probably occurred in the late Devonian period. At that ···

Basic structure of amphibians

Basic structure of amphibians

At the end of the Devonian period, a certain kind of lobe-finned fish ventured o···

The origin and evolution history of turtles (long-lived animals)

The origin and evolution history of turtles (long-lived animals)

We Chinese have long known that turtles are long-lived animals, so there has bee···

The story of the living fossil Latimei fish

The story of the living fossil Latimei fish

For a long time, the scientific community has believed that lobe-finned fishes, ···

Who are the ancestors of four-legged vertebrates?

Who are the ancestors of four-legged vertebrates?

Because lungfish have lungs and internal nostrils that can breathe air, they hav···

The evolution of lobe-finned fishes

The evolution of lobe-finned fishes

The earliest representative of lobe-finned fish is the skeletal fish of the midd···

Characteristics and evolution of lungfish

Characteristics and evolution of lungfish

The earliest representative of lungfish is the bifin fish of the middle Devonian···

air breathing fish

air breathing fish

During the Devonian period, the earliest lobe-finned fishes appeared and differe···