Rhinolophus macroetalis is a bat of the genus Rhinolophidae. It lives in small numbers in caves and commutes with other bats, generally staying on the edge of caves or on the top wall of rocks near the entrance. Feeds on nocturnal flying insects.
This species contains 3 subspecies in China and has a wide distribution range. At the same time, it is easily confused with Rhinolophus rhinolophus, which can be distinguished according to the shape of its nose leaf and the length of its forearm. The latter's body size (the forearm length is about 40mm) is small, and the height and width of the saddle leaf in the nose leaf are basically equal.
Listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN) 2018 ver 3.1 - Not Threatened (LC).
Listed in the "China Red List of Species" - Near threatened (NT).