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Schnitler’s Horseshoe Bat

2023-01-16 15:57:48 155

The species is found in a rocky cave surrounded by agricultural land, 200m from the nearest village. Rhinolophus macroetalis, Rhinolophus mari, Rhinolophus chinensis and Myotis were also collected from the same cave. This species is named Schnitler's Horseshoe Bat in honor of Professor Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler of the University of Tbingen in Germany for his outstanding contributions to the study of horseshoe bats.



It is endemic to China. Type specimens (Wu & Thong,2011) were collected from Nitong Cave, Gengjiaying Township, Yiliang, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, at an altitude of 1550m. It is found only in the type area.
The body size is larger. The forearm is 58mm long. The total length of the skull is 22mm. The auricle is particularly developed, the tip is blunt, and the tragus is extremely developed. The horseshoe leaves are broad, covering the snout, and have no attached nasal leaves. The interfemoral and alar membranes are brown, the ankle membrane is covered, and the alar membrane is hairless. The tip of the tail protrudes the interfemoral membrane. The dorsal hairs are chestnut and the ventral hairs are light brown.