Name:Murina huttoni
Alias:Murina huttoni
Family:Chiroptera Batidae Tuborhinus
Mesotubularis nocturnal. Insectivorous. This species is found in India. It lives in middle and low altitude woodland, but ADAPTS to a variety of habitats, and is active in forest and agricultural areas. The Latin scientific name is sometimes spelled Murina huttonii, and the Chinese name is also called the big tube-nosed bat. Some scholars have included <M. tubinaris> in the subspecies of this species, but <M. tubinaris> should be a separate species.
In September 2009, the species diversity of chiropteryx in Nanling Nature Reserve was investigated. 36 bats of 9 species were collected, among which Southwest Myotis bat and middle tube-nosed bat were new records in Guangdong Province. Based on the previous survey data, it is concluded that there are 25 species of chiroptera, belonging to 5 families and 12 genera, and their species diversity is very rich.