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Rhinolophus formosae

2023-01-31 15:53:19 160

It is a solitary bat, with only one or a few individuals found in a tunnel, cave or tree hole. Use constant frequency narrow-band echolocation (constant frequency) sound waves to detect prey in the environment. It is nocturnal and feeds on insects. It lives deeper in the cave.



It is endemic to China and only distributed in Taiwan.
It is a medium-sized bat with a body length of 61-72mm, a forearm length of 54-64mm, and a tail length of 33-41mm. The nose has upper, middle and lower nasal lobes, the upper nasal lobe is a pointed protrusion, the middle nasal lobe (i.e. saddle leaf and connecting leaf) has a corner vertebral protrusion, and the lower nasal lobe is a horseshoe shaped. Back fur dark brown to black. It has a broad auricle, wide and short across the tragus. The alar membrane is broadly round and extends backward to connect to the base of the toe.