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Formosan lesser horseshoe bat

2023-02-04 10:28:32 162

This species is endemic to China, and because of its small size, it will be clustered, and is a typical group of nocturnal animals. Use constant frequency echolocation sound waves to detect prey in the environment.


The bats live deep in caves in single or small groups, often hanging upside down by hooking their feet through cracks in the rock. When there is a sound, the two ear shells slightly turn the sweep set sound, and the flashlight is not alarmed, once the sound is emitted, it immediately takes off, and the takeoff time is not long.

This bat is small in number and feeds on insects, which has certain benefits for agriculture.


It is widely distributed in tunnels and caves in Taiwan, China.
A small bat. Body length 37-51mm, forearm length 36-41mm, tail length 17-23mm. The nose has upper, middle and lower nasal lobes, the top of the middle nasal lobe (connecting lobe) is a single horn protruding, and the lower nasal lobe is horseshoe-like. The hair on the head is light brown. It has a broad auricle, wide and short across the tragus. The alar membrane is broadly round and connected to the base of the toe.