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Submyotodon latirostris

2023-02-04 10:56:44 123
Submyotodon latirostris

Name:Submyotodon latirostris

Alias:Submyotodon latirostris


Family:Chiroptera Batidae Myotis

length:35-40 mm




Trait:It is endemic to Taiwan, China

Submyotodon latirostris Life habits and morphological characteristics

It is a smaller bat. Body length 35-40mm, forearm length 33-36mm, tail length 35-38mm. The head hair is brown and the snout is prominent. The back hair is dense, the base black, the tip brown; The ventral hairs are grayish black. The auricle is relatively short, with obvious nicks; The ears are longer than the width of the ear and have blunt tips. The tragus is long and narrow. The wing membrane is wide and long, extending left and right to connect to the base of the toe.

Submyotodon latirostris Distribution range and habitat

It is found only in Taiwan, China.

Submyotodon latirostris Detailed Introduction

The habitat of the bat is not well known. Using narrow-band, constant-frequency echolocation sound waves to detect prey in the environment.

