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Falsistrellus affinis

2023-02-09 15:40:22 230

Medium size. The ear shell is long and wide, with blunt and rounded ends. The tragus is short, with a concave notch at the base of the outer margin. The alar membrane terminates at the base of the phalanx. The hind feet are smaller. The back of the body is brown, the surface is stained white. The mouse 鼷 is white. The body length is about 39mm, the length of the forearm is about 39mm, only corrupt specimens have been found, and no ecological characteristics have been observed. It is also found abroad in Burma。


 This species is found in Myanmar.

This species originally belonged to the genus Pipistrella, but Kitchener et al. (1986) classified it from Pipistrella to Falsistrellus, and most scholars have accepted this view (Simmons, 2005).


China is a secondary distribution area, distributed in Tibet, Yunnan and Guangxi. Abroad, it is found in northeastern Myanmar, Nepal, India and Sri Lanka.
Medium build, forearm length 38-42mm. The ear shell is wide and long, and the tip is blunt; The tragus is short, with a small concave notch at the base of the outer margin. The free edge of the alion terminates at the base of the phalanges. The hind foot is smaller, half the length of the tibia. The body hair is soft and long, the hair is brown, the tip of the hair is gray, and the abdomen is light grayish white; The exposed parts of the wings, ears, and snout are black or brown. The cranial base of the skull is 14.1mm long, the rostral process is strong and elongated, with a distinct postorbital process (but not clearly triangular back), the cranium is low, the basal disc bone is missing, the zygomatic arch is weak, but it is relatively thick at the junction of the zygomatic bone, about 9.6mm, the upper palate is narrow, the coronal process is distinct, and it exceeds the lower canine teeth in height. The base of the penis bone is slightly dilated, with a deep ventral groove and undil