Mustela altaica
Mustela altaica,Mountain Weasel,Rat
Features:They are not good at digging holes and often use the holes of other animals such as rats as their nests.
Mustela altaica (scientific name: Mustela altaica) is a small to medium-sized weasel with 4 subspecies.Mustela altaica is mostly active alone, active during the day or at night, and is more active at dawn and dusk. It lives in caves. It likes to live in caves, but it is not good at digging holes. It...

Eira Barbara
Eira Barbara
Features:Apart from the otter, it is the largest mustelid in Latin America.
The scientific name of the fox stoat is Eira Barbara, a mustelid species native to Central America. It is the only species in the genus Eira Barbara and has 9 subspecies.The fox stoat is a species that lives alone or wanders around in pairs. Sometimes they form small groups of three or four, and the...

Martes pennanti
Martes pennanti,Fisher,Fishing cat, Pennant's marten, Pennant's cat
Features:It is shaped like a weasel and looks like a little bear.
Martes pennanti (scientific name: Martes pennanti) is also known as Fisher in English. There are 3 subspecies.Martes use "resting places" such as logs, hollow trees, stumps, and nests on the ground at all times of the year. Underground burrows are most commonly used in winter, while tree n...

Martes melampus
Martes melampus,Japanese Marten
Features:Fur coloration ranges from yellow-brown to dark brown with white to cream patches across the neck
Japanese Marten (scientific name: Martes melampus) has three subspecies.Subadult Japanese martens generally establish territories immediately after maturity. The average area for males is 0.70 square kilometers, and the average area for females is 0.63 square kilometers, with less than 10% overlap b...

Martes martes
Martes martes,Pine Marten,Lin Diao
Features:A creamy white to yellow bib on the throat
Pine marten (scientific name: Martes martes) is a medium-sized carnivore, about the size of a domestic cat, with 8 subspecies.Pine martens build nests in tree holes or shrubs. They are mainly active at night or dusk. Their claws can be semi-retracted, allowing them to live in trees. Tree holes are t...

Martes gwatkinsii
Martes gwatkinsii,Nilgiri Marten,Gray's marten, Yellow-throated marten Indian subspecies
Features:It is named for the distinctive yellow-orange throat spot on the front chest.
Nilgiri Marten (scientific name: Martes gwatkinsii) is a medium-sized carnivore with no subspecies. Before 1992, this species was a subspecies of the yellow-throated marten and was classified as an independent species in 1995.The Nilgiri marten likes to move at dawn and dusk, but often appears durin...

Martes americana
Martes americana,American Marten
Features:The head is bright gray, the back is grayish brown, and the throat and abdomen have irregular pale yellow or apricot red spots.
American Marten (scientific name: Martes americana) is a small to medium-sized mammal with 13 subspecies.American Marten is generally solitary. It lives in trees and can move easily in trees. It also often moves on the ground. It can swim. It does not hibernate. Mainly active at night. They use a st...

Ursus americanus,
Ursus americanus,American Black Bear,North American black bear
Features:It is the largest bear in existence and ranks third in size among bears, smaller than polar bears and brown bears.
American black bear (scientific name: Ursus americanus) is a large bear with 16 subspecies.American black bears are solitary animals. Their activity time varies depending on where they live and the season. In spring, they often go out to look for food at dawn or dusk, and in summer they spend a lot...

Tremarctos ornatus
Tremarctos ornatus,Andean Bear,Andean bear
Features:It is named after the pair of glasses-like circles around the eyes.
Spectacled bear (scientific name: Tremarctos ornatus) is also known as Andean Bear. It is the only bear species in South America and has no subspecies.Spectacled bears migrate by movement, with a range of 7-27 square kilometers. These bears are unlikely to be highly territorial, as they have been ob...

Bassaricyon gabbii
Bassaricyon gabbii
Features:It is the first canine raccoon species discovered.
Bassaricyon gabbii is the first dog raccoon discovered.Bassaricyon gabbii feeds on a variety of fruits, vegetables, fish, frogs, mice, birds and insects. They curl up in their dens during the day and come out to look for food at night. They like to hunt fish, shrimps and insects near the water in st...

Potos flavus
Potos flavus,Kinkajou,Panda
Features:Their fur is usually golden, their tongue is long, and they can make a woman-like scream.
Kinkajou (Latin name: Potos flavus, English name: Kinkajou) is a species of raccoon that lives in the rainforest. It is the only species in the genus Kinkajou and has 7 subspecies.Honey bears are nocturnal, arboreal animals that are most active from 7pm to midnight and an hour before dawn. They slee...

Bassariscus sumichrasti
Bassariscus sumichrasti,Cacomistle,Sino-American Ring-Tailed Panda
Features:The bear's claws cannot be retracted, the color of the tail gradually fades, and the ear outline is sharper.
The Cacomistle (scientific name: Bassariscus sumichrasti) is similar in appearance to the Cacomistle, which is often confused with the Cacomistle. The main difference between the two is that the Cacomistle's claws cannot be retracted, the color of the tail gradually fades, and the ear outline is...

Bassariscus astutus
Bassariscus astutus,Ring-tailed cat,Ringtail Cat
Features:The cat is named "ringtail cat" because of the 14 to 16 black and white rings on its tail.
The Ring-tailed cat (scientific name: Bassariscus astutus) is also known as the Ring-tailed cat because of the 14 to 16 black and white rings on its tail. It is particularly good at catching mice, so it is loved by humans and many people keep it as a pet.Raccoons are usually active late at night and...

Nasuella olivacea
Nasuella olivacea,Mountain Coati、Western Mountain Coati,Yamaguchi
Features:The smallest raccoon, with coarse fur and dark olive and brown body coloration, with lighter brown throat and chest with a reddish hue.
The coati (scientific name: Nasuella olivacea) is also known as Mountain Coati and Western Mountain Coati in foreign languages. It has three subspecies.The coati's main food is soil invertebrate adults and larvae, especially beetles, grasshoppers, locusts, centipedes, millipedes, and ants. Frogs...

Nasua narica
Nasua narica,White-nosed coati,White-nosed pig
Features:The biggest difference from the common coati is that there is a white stripe in the middle of the nose.
White-nosed coati (scientific name: Nasua narica) has four subspecies.White-nosed coatis are diurnal, usually roosting in treetops at night and descending from trees to forage at dawn; adult males occasionally move at night. When looking for food, they first use their flexible long noses to sniff, t...

Features:The tail is long and thin with a dark ring and is carried upright when moving.
The coatimundi, also known as coatimundi or coatimondi, is active during the day, in groups of 5-6 or even 40. The tail is slender with a dark ring, and it is erected when moving. It is good at climbing trees and forages for fruits, seeds, eggs and various small animals on trees and on the ground.Th...

Procyon pygmaeus
Procyon pygmaeus,Cozumel Raccoon、Pygmy Raccoon,Pygmy Raccoon
Features:Similar to the North American raccoon, the fur is primarily tan with interspersed darker hairs.
Cozumel Raccoon (scientific name: Procyon pygmaeus) is also known as Cozumel Raccoon and Pygmy Raccoon. It is a Procyonidae, Procyon genus animal, with no subspecies.Cozumel Raccoons are mostly nocturnal, although they can sometimes be seen during the day. They build dens as shelter, but unlike most...

Procyon cancrivorus
Procyon cancrivorus,Crab-eating Raccoon
Features:Color blind, but has excellent night vision
Crab-eating raccoon (scientific name: Procyon cancrivorus) is also known as Crab-eating Raccoon. It is a Procyonidae, Procyon genus animal with 4 subspecies.Crab-eating raccoon is smaller than the North American raccoon (Procyon lotor), which helps to distinguish the two species. Males of the North...

Ochotona roylei
Ochotona roylei
Features:Its body shape is similar to that of a big-eared pika, and its forehead is dyed rusty brown.
The gray mouse rabbit belongs to the subgenus <Conothoa>, and its species-level classification status is stable. However, it is often confused with the big-eared mouse rabbit (<Ochotona macrotis>) in identification, especially because the color variation of the two species is large, and...

Ochotona macrotis
Ochotona macrotis,Steppe pika, Mongolian pika, Dauri rabbit, Pika, Singing mouse, Moss
Features:The appearance is stout, the ears are round and large, and there is no white burr.
The big-eared mouse rabbit belongs to the subgenus <Conothoa> and is a larger species. It is easy to be confused with the gray mouse rabbit in classification. Their differences are mainly in the measurement of the skull. The auditory bulla of the big-eared mouse rabbit is relatively large, whi...

Ochotona koslowi
Ochotona koslowi,Ochotonus
Features:The Koch pika is the oldest relict species among the more than 20 existing species of pikas, and is one of the largest species in the genus Pika.
The Kochia pika belongs to the subgenus <Conothoa> and is very rare. It was first collected by a Russian officer in 1884 when he crossed the Keriya Pass from Tibet to the Tarim Basin. It was named by another Russian scientist in 1894. But there has been no record since then. It was not until 1...