Rhinolophus yunnanensis was published in 1872 by Dobson on the basis of two male and one female specimens collected in Hotha, China (1371.6m above sea level), and later merged into R. pearsonii by himself. Andersen (1905) compared the description and diagram of the species and pearsonii and found th...
This species is endemic to China, and because of its small size, it will be clustered, and is a typical group of nocturnal animals. Use constant frequency echolocation sound waves to detect prey in the environment.The bats live deep in caves in single or small groups, often hanging upside down by ho...
It is a solitary bat, with only one or a few individuals found in a tunnel, cave or tree hole. Use constant frequency narrow-band echolocation (constant frequency) sound waves to detect prey in the environment. It is nocturnal and feeds on insects. It lives deeper in the cave....
The species was named by CAI Guiguan and Zhang Naizhi (1980) on the basis of two male specimens collected from Metuo, Xizang Province, which each had a round brown-yellow brush spot on the lower neck, a white leading edge of the lower ear shell, and a brown-blue nape. Domestic and foreign scholars (...
The Ryukyu Flying Fox is the only fruit eating bat unique to Taiwan's pterodactyl species. It is a typical arboreal bat that relies on sight and smell to search for food. It feeds mainly on the fruits of the genus Ficus. It does not use ultrasound to locate, but uses sight and smell to find food...
Wool-winged tube-nosed bats are forest bats that feed on beetles. This species is found in Java. In the same environment, dark brown bats (< Kerivoula furva>) Rhinolophus macroetalis and mesotubularis. Rare species. However, in recent years, with the deepening of the investigation, the distrib...
Lorelei tube-nosed bats are small tube-nosed bats. After Eger & Lim (2011) published a new species from a specimen in Diding, Guangxi, Tu et al. (2015) captured three tube-nosed bats in Wangling Nature Reserve, Vietnam. According to their body size and mitochondrial COI gene differences, It is d...
The social structure of the white-bellied bat is complex, and it is a typical social nocturnal animal, often living in the same cave with other bat species. Sometimes it also roosts in tree holes and buildings, and hibernates in caves and rock crevices in winter. White-belted tube-nosed bats emit ty...
Mesotubularis nocturnal. Insectivorous. This species is found in India. It lives in middle and low altitude woodland, but ADAPTS to a variety of habitats, and is active in forest and agricultural areas. The Latin scientific name is sometimes spelled Murina huttonii, and the Chinese name is also call...
A new species published by Csorba & Bates (2005) from specimens collected in Kililong National Park, Cambodia, and classified into the "<cyclotis" group, Wu et al. (2010) reported a new Chinese record found in Jianfengling, Hainan. The type specimens were caught in mist nets in smal...
The arboreal bat is a rare tree-dwelling bat. It inhabits mountainous forests or clusters of dead leaves, living singly or in small groups. They feed on insects. It was a new species published by Furey et al. (2009), and reported by Francis & Eger (2012) as a new record species in China from sam...
Any of several small long-winged bats, endemic in China to the south of the Asian long-winged bat, inhawing rock burrows and often gathering in groups of dozens or hundreds of individuals. Living in the same cave are the great hoofed bat, the Chinese chrysanthemum bat, the sheath tail bat and so on....
Asian long-winged bats live in large limestone caves in dark, wet water, gathering in large groups of thousands or even tens of thousands of individuals on top of the cave walls. It has a hibernation habit. They feed on small flying insects, especially hymenoptera and diptera. Miniopterus schreibers...
The big eared bat, also known as the long eared bat or rabbit-eared bat, is characterized by an ear that is longer than the head length. It lives alone and does not mix with other bats. Beginning to sleep in September, the hibernating big-eared bat does not eat or move, the ear is folded under the a...
The little Yellow bat, which ranges from sea level to 1100m above sea level, is a highly adaptable bat species. Colonies of tens to hundreds of individuals have been known to congregate in temples, caves, hollow trees, palm leaves, roofs and walls of buildings, abandoned buildings, and tree hollows....