Lontra provocax
Lontra provocax
Features:The body is slender, the limbs are short, and the animal is brave and flexible. There are webbed feet between the toes.
The Chilean otter (scientific name: Lontra provocax) is a semi-aquatic mammal.The Chilean otter is nocturnal and is good at swimming and diving. It can stay underwater for 2 minutes at a time. They catch fish as fast as a cat catching a mouse. Before catching, they often lie in wait on rocks by the...

Lontra canadensis
Lontra canadensis,North American River Otter,Canadian otter, northern otter
Features:The body is streamlined, with a sturdy torso and short legs, webbed toes, and a long tail.
North American River Otter (scientific name: Lontra canadensis) is also known as North American River Otter in foreign languages. There are 7 subspecies.North American River Otters generally live in pairs, and sometimes form family units. It is a highly active animal. As long as it is not sleeping,...

Lutra sumatrana
Lutra sumatrana,Hairy-nosed Otter,Sumatran otter
Features:The name mainly comes from the hair on the tip of its nose
Hairy-nosed Otter (Lutra sumatrana), also known as Hairy-nosed Otter, lives in Southeast Asia and is one of the most endangered species in the world.Hairy-nosed Otter lives in swamp forests in inland streams or coastal areas. They are nocturnal and usually hunt alone or in groups of 2-4. They feed o...

Lutra nippon
Lutra nippon
Features:Due to overhunting and severe environmental damage, it is now extinct.
The Japanese otter, scientifically known as Lutra nippon, is endemic to Japan and is now extinct.The Japanese otter was previously mistakenly classified as a subspecies of the Eurasian otter, but later studies have found that they belong to an independent species in the genus Lutra. Japanese otters...

Taxidea taxus
Taxidea taxus,American Badger,Badger
Features:Gray or red body color, white throat, black patches on face
American Badger (scientific name: Taxidea taxus) is also known as American Badger in English. It has 5 subspecies.The American badger lives alone, is nocturnal, forages at dawn and dusk, has a semi-hibernating habit, and digs holes for home. Its nest can sometimes be up to 3 meters deep, and it buil...

Mellivora capensis
Mellivora capensis, Honey Badger、 Ratel, Blaireau à miel, Ratel, Honigdachs,Flathead
Features:Guinness World Records named it the "most courageous animal"
Honey badger (scientific name: Mellivora capensis) English Honey Badger, Ratel, French Blaireau à miel, Ratel, German Honigdachs, there are 12 subspecies.In the southern region of the Kalahari Basin, adult male honey badgers have an average home range of 541 square kilometers, while adult female ho...

Mydaus javanensis
Mydaus javanensis,Indonesian stink badger, Sunda stink badger
Features:The body is thick and fat, with short limbs, short and round ears, small eyes and a pointed nose, and a short and thick neck.
The Sunda stink badger (Mydaus javanensis), also known as the Indonesian stink badger, lives on the islands of Borneo, Java, and Sumatra. It is a carnivore.The Sunda stink badger is an animal that humans should avoid: like its close relative the skunk, the Sunda stink badger will spray a foul-smelli...

Melogale orientalis
Melogale orientalis,Javan ferret badger,Burmese ferret badger
Features:Able to climb trees, not good at jumping
The Javan ferret badger's scientific name is Melogale orientalis, and its foreign name is Javan ferret badger. It is an animal of the genus Ferret badger.The Javan ferret badger inhabits forests, shrubs, and trees. It lives in self-excavated tree holes or rock caves. It only goes out to hunt in...

Melogale moschata
Melogale moschata,Chinese Ferret-badger,Fish loach, white-nosed civet cat, white-fronted civet cat, mountain badger, piglet civet cat
Features:When walking, the abdomen is almost touching the ground, and the nose is often close to the ground to search for progress.
The ferret badger (scientific name: Melogale moschata) is known as Chinese Ferret-badger and has 7 subspecies.Ferret badgers are nocturnal. They come out in pairs after dark and return to their burrows in the early morning. Individual activities and foraging can last until dawn. They usually live in...

Arctonyx collaris
Arctonyx collaris,Hog-Badger,Sand badger, mountain badger
Features:The body is stout, with a bare and protruding snout like a pig's snout.
Hog Badger (scientific name: Arctonyx collaris) is also known as Hog-Badger in English. There are 6 subspecies.Hog Badger likes to live in caves, digging caves in barren hills, roadsides, ridges, etc., and also invading the caves of other animals. The structure of the cave is relatively simple, with...

Meles meles
Meles meles,Eurasian Badger,Badger, badger, mountain badger,
Features:It is ferocious, but does not actively attack livestock or people.
Badger (scientific name: Meles meles) is also known as Eurasian Badger. It is a large-bodied species in the Mustelidae family and has 14 subspecies.Badgers are most active in spring and autumn, usually starting at 8-9 pm and returning to their dens around 4 am. When leaving the cave, it slowly tries...

Poecilogale albinucha
Poecilogale albinucha,White-necked ferret
Features:Very similar to the honey badger
The white-necked weasel (scientific name Poecilogale albinucha) is a small carnivore. It is smaller than the honey badger. The important thing is that it has a white neck, which is very similar to the "white hair" of the honey badger. In addition, the back of the white-necked weasel is als...

Ictonyx striatus
Ictonyx striatus,zorille,African stoat, Striped stoat
Features:The poisoning method is sophisticated and can cause blindness from a distance
The African sagebrush (scientific name Ictonyx striatus), also known as zorille, usually lives alone and hunts at night. The African sagebrush is an aggressive and territorial animal. It usually marks its territory with feces and anal scent gland spray. The spray released by the odor glands can cove...

Lepus yarkandensis
Lepus yarkandensis, South Xinjiang rabbit, hare, Shache rabbit
Features:Smaller in size, lighter in fur, larger in ears, with non-black ear tips.
The classification status of the Tarim rabbit is stable, but there is a lot of controversy about which species group it belongs to. The number of Tarim rabbits is small. They adapt to a dry climate with little rain (annual rainfall is less than 100mm) and small oases with summer temperatures as high...

Lepus tolai
Lepus tolai,Hare, Central Asian rabbit, Steppe rabbit
Features:There is a long and wide black spot in the center of the back of the tail, and the edges and the ventral side of the tail are pure white, extending to the base of the tail.
Mongolian rabbits are active both day and night, but are most active at dusk. The number of Mongolian rabbits is relatively small. In the plains, Mongolian rabbits mostly live in semi-desert and desert steppes, oases, or Artemisia grass steppes with halophytes, and in the woods, canal banks, fallow...

Lepus timidus
Lepus timidus,White rabbit, color-changing rabbit, blue rabbit
Features:The distinctive feature is its short tail, and it is the only hare in China whose fur turns white in winter.
The snow hare is the earliest rabbit species to be named. The species classification is stable, but there are many subspecies and some confusion. This species is very cold-resistant and lives in the taiga forest in the Arctic Circle or close to the Arctic. The snow hare is one of the representative...

Lepus tibetanus
Lepus tibetanus,Tibetan hare, Tibetan hare, desert hare
Features:The fur color on the back varies, from sandy yellow and black in the summer to grayish brown or sandy brown in the winter as the fur thickens.
The classification status of the Tibetan rabbit is very confusing. It was not until 1930 that it was considered an independent species. Later, it was listed as a subspecies of the plateau rabbit (<Lepus oiostolus>), and was also listed as a subspecies of the Mongolian rabbit (<Lepus tolai&g...

Lepus sinensis
Lepus sinensis,Mountain rabbit, short-eared rabbit, woolly rabbit, hare
Features:The ears are short, folded forward and only reach the front edge of the eye socket.
The classification of South China rabbit is somewhat controversial. The Korean rabbit (Lepus coreanus) distributed on the Korean Peninsula was once included in this species. However, the Korean rabbit has a relatively longer tail.South China rabbit is a pure herbivorous animal, eating various weeds,...

Lepus oiostolus
Lepus oiostolus,Gray-tailed rabbit, Fluffy rabbit
Features:The hair on the buttocks is short and gray, the black stripes on the tail are unclear, and the hair color is also light.
Plateau rabbits are herbivorous animals. In agricultural areas, they feed on young stems, buds, flowers, fruits, tubers and various weeds of crops. Many types of crops are harmed, such as wheat, beans and vegetables. 80%~90% of its food is various crops, and weeds only account for 10%~20%. In pastor...

Lepus mandshuricus
Lepus mandshuricus,Grass rabbit, mountain rabbit, black rabbit, mountain jump
Features:The distinctive feature is the striking black tint. Some individuals have a slightly dark rusty brown color.
This species is controversial in classification. It was once considered to be the Northeast Black Rabbit (<Ochotona melaninus>) and was also included in the Japanese Short-tailed Rabbit (<Lepus brachyurus>). It mainly lives in forests. It is herbivorous and sometimes eats tree bark.North...

Lyncodonpatagonicus,Patagonian weasel, steppe weasel
Features:The body hair is white mixed with black and brown
The grassland weasel (scientific name Lyncodonpatagonicus), also known as the Patagonian weasel, is a genus of the Mustelidae family in the order Carnivora, living on the Pampas in South America. Its specific habits are unknown.Local ranchers keep prairie ferrets as working pets (similar to cats and...