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Feresa attenuata

Feresa attenuata

Feresa attenuata,Pygmy Killer Whale, Orque pygmée,Orca Pigmeo,Delphinus intermedius,Small killer whale, small orca, small killer whale

Cetacea LC

Features:Related to killer whales

The pygmy killer whale is also known as the pygmy killer whale. It is an animal of the genus Pygmy Killer Whale in the family Delphinidae, with no subspecies. The "attentuata" in the scientific name means "wedge" in Latin, referring to the shape of its body gradually becoming thi...

Pseudorca crassidens

Pseudorca crassidens

Pseudorca crassidens,False Killer Whale, Faux-orque,Orca Falsa,Phocaena crassidens Owen,Black whale, false killer whale, false pilot whale, false killer whale

Cetacea LC

Features:Similar to killer whales, but smaller in size and all black

False killer whale is the only species in the genus False killer whale of the Dolphin family, and ranks third in size among the Dolphins.False killer whales are fast and active swimmers. When they float, they often lift their entire head and most of their body out of the water; sometimes even their...

Orcinus orca

Orcinus orca

Orcinus orca,Killer Whale, Orca,Epaulard, Orque, Espadarte, Orca,Orca assassina, killer whale

Cetacea LC

Features:It is the top of the marine food chain.

Killer Whale is the largest species in the dolphin family, and there is no subspecies.Killer whales are highly social and have a complex social structure. They like to live in groups, ranging from small groups of 2-3 to large groups of 40-50. There are even reports of hundreds of individuals in a gr...

Peponocephala electra

Peponocephala electra

Peponocephala electra,Toothy melon-headed whale, melon-headed dolphin

Cetacea LC

Features:Actually, the melon-headed whale is a dolphin.

Melon-headed whale, also known as Melon-headed whale, has no subspecies. Its characteristics are similar to those of the genus Orca, but it has more teeth.Melon-headed whales are a highly social species. They often appear in groups of hundreds or even more than 1,000, and the whale groups also inclu...

Grampus griseus

Grampus griseus

Grampus griseus,Risso's dolphin,Tattoo dolphin, Richter's dolphin, patterned whale, Richter's dolphin

Cetacea LC

Features:It has unique features such as no beak, no teeth in the upper jaw, the front end of the lower jaw is flush with the front edge of the head, and the blowhole is located on the top of the head.

The gray dolphin is called Risso's dolphin in English, and has no subspecies.The gray dolphin has the habit of swimming in the ocean. Usually there are groups of 10 to dozens of heads, and there are also large groups of hundreds of heads, and sometimes mixed with other types of dolphins. Gray do...

Lagenodelphis hosei

Lagenodelphis hosei

Lagenodelphis hosei,Fraser's Dolphin,Hourglass dolphin, Freund's dolphin, Freund's dolphin

Cetacea LC

Features:Its appearance is similar to that of the blue-and-white dolphin and the long-beaked dolphin.

The Sarawak dolphin is called Fraser's Dolphin in foreign language, and there is no subspecies.The Sarawak dolphin is a tropical, offshore species, and it usually swims in groups of dozens to hundreds of individuals, and even in large groups of thousands of individuals. They often swim with spot...



Delphinus,common dolphin,Common dolphin

Cetacea LC

Features:There is a triangular light-colored area in the center of the dorsal fin, and a deep groove on the left and right of the maxillary palate.

Common dolphins are called common dolphins in English. There are two species (long-beaked common dolphins and short-beaked common dolphins), with a total of four subspecies.Common dolphins belong to the order Cetacea, the family Delphinidae, and the genus Delphinus in taxonomy. There are two species...

Delphinus capensis

Delphinus capensis

Delphinus capensis,Long-beaked common dolphin, Common Dolphin,Toothed dolphin, tropical dolphin, long-beaked dolphin

Cetacea LC

Features:The basic appearance is similar to that of the short-beaked dolphin.

Long-beaked common dolphin, with two subspecies, is a warm-water species.Long-beaked dolphins are social mammals. Sometimes more than 1,000 individuals form a large dolphin group, and a smaller dolphin group can also be composed of 10 to 30 closely related dolphins.At the surface, long-beaked dolphi...

Stenella clymene

Stenella clymene

Stenella clymene,Short-snouted Spinner Dolphin,Clementine's dolphin, helmeted dolphin, spotted dolphin

Cetacea LC

Features:A new species produced by long-term hybridization between the long-beaked spinner dolphin and the striped dolphin

Short-snouted Spinner Dolphin, with no subspecies, is a deep-water species in the ocean.Differences between similar species: The short-beaked spinner dolphin is thicker than the long-beaked (spinner) dolphin (Stenella longirostris), and its dorsal fin is less triangular; in addition, as its name sug...

Stenella coeruleoalba

Stenella coeruleoalba

Stenella coeruleoalba,Striped dolphin,Blue and white dolphin, blue and white dolphin, striped dolphin

Cetacea LC

Features:A dolphin with spray-marked hair that excels at mid-air tail turns

Striped dolphin, with no subspecies, is a common dolphin in the Pacific Ocean.Striped dolphin has the habit of living in the ocean. They often move in groups of dozens to hundreds, and there are also large groups of thousands of them; in the Western Pacific, the groups can be divided into: juvenile...

Stenella attenuata

Stenella attenuata

Stenella attenuata,Pantropical spotted dolphin,Tropical spotted dolphin, weak dolphin, white-beaked dolphin

Cetacea LC

Features:Spots on the skin that darken with age

Pantropical spotted dolphin, with two subspecies, may be the most common cetacean.Pantropical spotted dolphin is a social animal, swimming in groups of a few to thousands, with more members in offshore groups than in coastal groups. In Japanese waters, 2-year-old dolphins will join other dolphins un...

Steno bredanensis

Steno bredanensis

Steno bredanensis,Rough-toothed dolphin,Long-beaked dolphin, wrinkled-toothed dolphin

Cetacea LC

Features:There are vertical fine wrinkles or ridges on the tooth surface, which is the origin of the Chinese name "rough teeth"

Rough-toothed dolphin, a dolphin with special teeth.Rough-toothed dolphins usually form a "pod" (a term for groups of dolphins, seals or whales) of 10 to 30, and there are also "pods" of up to 160, which contain 8 smaller groups. Occasionally swims with pilot whales, bottlenose d...

Platanista gangetica gangetica

Platanista gangetica gangetica

Platanista gangetica gangetica,Ganges River Dolphin,White puffer fish, Goto puffer fish

Cetacea LC

Features:The dolphin was blinded by the muddy river water.

The Ganges River Dolphin is a nominative subspecies of the South Asian river dolphin.The Ganges River Dolphin looks like a crocodile. When breathing, it often floats to the surface at a certain angle, so it may be mistaken for a crocodile in some areas. The entire head and beak of the Ganges River d...

Lipotes vexillifer

Lipotes vexillifer

Lipotes vexillifer,Baiji, Yangtze River Dolphin,Baiji,zhú (ancient name), Baiji, Chinese finless porpoise, Baiji dolphin

Cetacea LC

Features:In ancient Chinese literature, the Baiji dolphin is often used as a symbol of beauty and kindness.

The scientific name of the Baiji dolphin is Lipotes vexillifer, and its foreign name is Baiji. There is no subspecies. "Ji" is pronounced as "jì", and the media often writes it as "baiji dolphin". It is a small freshwater whale unique to China.The Baiji dolphin diverge...

Megaptera novaeangliae

Megaptera novaeangliae

Megaptera novaeangliae,Humpback whale,Humpback whale, humpback whale, saw-armed whale, saw-armed whale

Cetacea LC

Features:Humpback whales have extraordinary navigation abilities and will not deviate more than 5 degrees from their migratory route.

Humpback whale is not the largest whale in the world, but it is also a well-deserved giant in the ocean.Humpback whales mostly move in pairs, are gentle in temperament, and have a strong attachment to their companions. Every year, they migrate regularly from north to south: in summer, they migrate t...

Balaenoptera physalus

Balaenoptera physalus

Balaenoptera physalus,Fin Whale,Finback whale, baleen whale, razorback whale, herring whale, fin whale

Cetacea LC

Features:The second largest animal in the world

Fin whales are one of the fastest whales, with a speed of up to 37 kilometers per hour, and a record high of 40 kilometers per hour. They are known as the "greyhound of the deep sea".Fin whales use their baleen to filter food and then swallow it. Their food includes small fish, squid and c...

Balaenoptera omurai

Balaenoptera omurai

Balaenoptera omurai,Omura whale

Cetacea LC

Features:The rarest whale species on Earth

Omura's whale is a medium-sized whale that looks very similar to a fin whale, but is much smaller than a fin whale.Omura's whale was not confirmed and named until 2003. Because the type specimen was stranded on Tsukushima Island in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, it is commonl...

Balaenoptera brydei

Balaenoptera brydei

Balaenoptera brydei,Bryde's whale,Anchovy, Pseudomonas auratus

Cetacea LC

Features:The most distinctive feature is the three parallel longitudinal ridges on the head

Bryde's whale, also known as Bryde's whale in English, has no subspecies and is the only baleen whale that lives in tropical or subtropical areas all year round.Bryde's whale is very similar to Sei whale, the main difference is that Sei whale has a ridge on each side of the central ridge...

Balaenoptera borealis

Balaenoptera borealis

Balaenoptera borealis,Sei whale, baleen whale, northern baleen whale, great baleen whale, cod whale

Cetacea LC

Features:Fast swimmers, possibly the fastest of all whales

Sei whales are called Sei whales in foreign languages and have two subspecies.The body shape of Sei whales is similar to that of fin whales, Bryde's whales and small Bryde's whales, and the shape of their dorsal fins is also similar. The main distinguishing feature is that the sei whale has...

Balaenoptera acutorostrata

Balaenoptera acutorostrata

Balaenoptera acutorostrata,Minke Whale、Common Minke Whale,Minke whale, Sharp-billed whale

Cetacea LC

Features:Mother whales are very attached to their calves, and they seem to protect their calves.

Minke Whale has two subspecies and is a small baleen whale of the genus Mysticetus.Minke Whale has 230 to 273 baleen pieces on each side. According to statistics of 38 individuals, the average is 253 pieces. The length of the entire whisker row is about 60% of the length of the skull. The whisker pl...

Balaenoptera musculus

Balaenoptera musculus

Balaenoptera musculus,Balaena musculus Linnaeus,Blue Whale, Baleine bleue,Ballena Azul,Blauwal, Razorback whale, Sulphur bottom whale, Sibud's whale, Seba's baleen whale, Great blue whale, G

Cetacea LC

Features:The largest animal in the world

The blue whale is called Blue Whale in English. There are 4 subspecies. It is not only the largest whale, but also the largest animal in existence and the largest mammal to date.The species name of the blue whale, musculus, comes from Latin, which means "strong", but can also be translated...