Parapelophryne scalptus
Nectophryne scalptus, Pelophryne scalpta, Pelophryne scalptus
Features:Small body; the first and second fingers are short, there is a dark brown triangular spot between the eyes, and the anus is covered by a small triangular skin fold.
This toad lives in forest areas at an altitude of 350-1400m, mostly living among fallen leaves or on rocks near small mountain streams. The flow of water in the mountain stream is very small, and there are tall trees on both sides of it, and the environment is quite humid.The scaly-skinned swimming...

Ingerophrynus ledongensis
Ingerophrynus ledongensis,Helmeted Toad
Features:Similar to the helmet toad, but the supraspinatus ridge of this species is shorter than the parotid gland, and there is a horizontal indentation where the two meet; with gray-brown markings.
Ledong toad, a species of the genus Bufo in the family Bufoidae, lives in evergreen broad-leaved forests at an altitude of 350 to 900 meters.The skin on the top of the head of this toad is smooth and close to the skull. There are scattered warts and small spiny warts on the back. The male toads are...

Torrentophryne aspiniaYang et Rao
Torrentophryne aspiniaYang et Rao
Features:The dorsal and ventral warts of adults have no spines or keratin granules on the top; the head, body and dorsal sides of the limbs are gray-brown or light brown-yellow, with no dark spots.
This toad lives in mountainous areas at an altitude of 1800-2100m, often living in streams and their sides. The environment is an agricultural area, where crops such as corn, peas or buckwheat are planted; the woodlands are mostly walnuts, pine forests and broad-leaved trees.There is a cluster breed...

Hoplobatrachus chinensis
Hoplobatrachus chinensis,Hoplobatrachus rugulosus,Water chicken, frog, green chicken, mud frog, toad
Features:Tiger frogs are large and have high economic value. Like other frogs, tiger frogs feed mainly on agricultural pests.
Tiger frogs often live in water places such as rice fields, ditches, ponds, reservoirs, swamps, etc. below 900 meters above sea level. Their habitats change with different life periods such as foraging, breeding, and wintering. In the breeding season, they mainly move in still water and shallow wate...

Limnonectes fragilis
Limnonectes fragilis,Fragile Large-headed Frog,Big-headed frog, crispy frog
Features:Its appearance is very similar to that of the Xishuangbanna big-headed frog, with a head that is almost equal in length and width, a slightly flat head and body, and a relatively long tail.
The appearance is very similar to the Banna big-headed frog (Limnonectes bannaensis). From the geographical distribution point of view, the crispy big-headed frog is only distributed in Hainan Island, China; the Banna big-headed frog is distributed in Yunnan, Guangxi and the western edge of Guangdon...

Yerana yei
Yerana yei,Anal thorn frog, Ye's anal frog
Features:The skin is rough and the entire back is covered with warts, and the color of the back is mostly yellow-green or brown.
Ye's anal thorn frog is also known as Ye's bulging anal frog. Adult frogs live in and around streams with fast currents. They often hide in cracks or under large rocks during the day and go ashore to look for food at night. Their food is mainly insects. The breeding season is from May to Aug...

Zhangixalus hongchibaensis
Wuxi tree frog
Features:The body and back of the limbs are light green with light brown spots of different sizes
During the breeding season from March to June, the male frog makes a "del, del, del" sound, which is more frequent at night. When mating, the male frog holds the female frog's armpit with its forelimbs. The female frog lays eggs at the bottom of the herbaceous plants near the swamp pon...

Rhacophorus laoshan
Old Mountain Tree Frog
Features:Small body, blunt snout, protruding from lower lip, eyes wider than upper eyelid and nose, with a brown horizontal stripe between eyes
The Laoshan tree frog is commonly found in mixed forests of secondary broad-leaved trees and bamboos at an altitude of about 1,390 meters. The ground is covered with dense bushes and weeds. It is distributed in the Wanglao Mountain in Tianlin, Guangxi, my country. The Laoshan tree frog usually breed...

Liuixalus romeri
Romer's Tree Frog,Romer Liu tree frog
Features:The head is small and flat, with an "X"-shaped dark spot above the shoulder. The skin on the ventral side is translucent, and its internal organs can be seen through the skin.
Romer's tree frog, a species of the genus Rhacophoridae, lives near the water pits near the sea and in the nearby bushes or grass. Adult frogs prey on ants, crickets, spiders, etc. From early March to September, the frog breeds in the shallow water of still ponds, and the male frog makes a short...

Polypedates hungfuensis
Hongfo tree frog
Features:The body is relatively flat, the eardrum is obvious, and the back is green.
Hongfo tree frog is an amphibian tree frog family, with a relatively flat body, a slightly blunt snout, a nose distance slightly smaller than the eye distance, a distinct eardrum, short and sturdy forelimbs, suckers at the fingertips, deep notches on the edge of the webbed toes, a green back with sp...

Paramesotriton chinensis
Paramesotriton chinensis,Chinese Warty Newt,Water monk, baby salamander, bone-dissolving pill
Features:Possessing distinct characteristics of cold-blooded animals
The Chinese newt lives in slow-flowing mountain streams or wet grass and gravel bottoms covered with rotten leaves beside the stream. Sometimes it swims to the surface to breathe air, and often lands in the grass in rainy weather. It mainly preys on small animals such as water earthworms, click beet...

Paramesotriton deloustali
Paramesotriton deloustali,Beibu Gulf newt, De's newt
Features:Large and fat
Habitat: This species inhabits small and medium-sized streams in low-altitude mountainous areas and evergreen forests. It can also be found in small ponds and artificial pools. The water temperature in winter and early spring is basically stable at around 11 degrees Celsius.Habits: This species is m...

Paramesotriton fuzhongensis
Paramesotriton fuzhongensis
Habitat: This newt lives in streams in broad-leaved forest mountain areas at an altitude of 400-500 meters.Habits: Adult newts mostly live in places with gentle water flow, often under rocks in the stream, and sometimes on the shore. This newt lives in the Xilin Mountain in Fuchuan County, Guangxi,...

Paramesotriton guangxiensi
Paramesotriton guangxiensi,Guangxi Warty Newt
Features:The appearance is similar to that of the Chinese newt, with a flat and slightly triangular head, and the head is longer than the width.
The Guangxi scrofula lives in mountain streams with a relatively gentle flow at an altitude of 470 to 500 meters. The stream water is clear, the bottom of the water is mostly stones and mud, and the shrubs and weeds on both sides are dense. During the day, it often hides under the rocks at the botto...

Paramesotriton hongkongensis
Paramesotriton hongkongensis
Features:Pretend to be dead when in danger
This newt lives in mountain streams at an altitude of 120-850m, where the water flows slowly. During the day, adult newts hide under rocks in deep pools in the streams, often swim to the surface to breathe air, and often go ashore after heavy rains, moving slowly; they go out at night and prey on sm...

Paramesotriton labiatus
Paramesotriton labiatus
Features:Slender body, flat head, longer than wide
Spotless newt During the day, adult newts were found hiding under the rocks at the bottom of the water. There were small fish, aquatic invertebrates and other small animals among the rocks in the stream. This newt is in the same stream section as Yaoshan Fatty NewtPachytriton inexpectatusLive togeth...

Paramesotriton longliensis
Paramesotriton longliensis
Features:The head is slightly flat, narrow in front and wide in the back, with the length of the head significantly greater than its width.
In 2007, experts including Tian Yingzhou, Li Song and Gu Xiaoming discovered a new species of scrofula in Shuichang Township, Longli County, which was later named "Longli scrofula".Habitat: This newt lives in large ponds with gentle water flow at an altitude of 1100-1200m or ponds with gro...

Paramesotriton maolanensis
Paramesotriton maolanensis
Features:The eyes are relatively degenerate, and the upper and lower eyelids are closed under natural conditions.
This newt lives in large ponds with gentle water flow or ponds with groundwater flowing out. The vegetation around the pond is lush and the water is clear. It usually lives at the bottom of ponds and is difficult to find. It will jump out of the water when there is flooding. The lens of the eyeball...

Paramesotriton qixilingensis
Paramesotriton qixilingensis
Features:Head length is similar to head width
Habitat: Adult salamanders live in wide and gentle streams in deep mountains. The water is clear and you can see the bottom of the stream. The mountainous area is covered with broad-leaved forests, and the streamside is mostly covered with shrubs. The stream is about 3-5 m wide, with a gentle slope,...

Paramesotriton wulingensis
Paramesotriton wulingensis
Features:The body color is dark brown, and the warts on the back of the body are larger.
The Youyang population and Jiangkou population of the new species of Wuling scrofula live in small streams with gentle flow in low mountain broad-leaved forests at an altitude of 800-1200 m, in backwater ponds or clean water beside streams. During the day, it often hides at the bottom of the stream,...

Paramesotriton yunwuensis
Paramesotriton yunwuensis
Features:Large and stocky, with a large and broad head; head longer than it is wide
The cloud newt lives in ponds of various sizes in mountain streams, at an altitude of about 525m. The largest pond is 4m×4m, and the maximum water depth is about 3m. The bottom of the pond is covered with small stones and coarse gravel, and the bank of the pond is mostly granite. The stream flows s...